I 'Effin Love You part 20

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I didn't upload yesterday. I'm sorry. It was my high school's homecoming football game and I went and got back kinda late and I was super tired. I think I wrote a lot for this part, though. Not a lot, a lot, but....yeah, a lot. You guys are going to like one specific part about this and you really are going to hate two characters when this part is over with. So, enjoy all!

-Summer's POV-

I could tell that Jay wanted to kill him in that moment that Rick gave me that look. I pressed back against him as to say 'don't do it' and he squeezed my hand as to say 'fine'.

"Who is this?" Mom asked me.

"Oh, this is Jay's uncle, Rick," I introduced her to him. Rick smiled at her and held his hand out to her.

"So nice to meet you. You must be Summer's mother," Rick said.

"Yes, I'm October," she said. "And this is my brother in-law, Mark."

"Pleasure to meet you," real dad said.

"Likewise," Rick said, looking over at Annie. "And who is this?"

"That's Annie, Jimmy's girlfriend," Jay nearly growled. He held most of it back.

"Jimmy would be the one in the bed," Rick said sadly.

"That's him," real dad confirmed.

"I am so sorry for what happened. Jay told me about it and I just came to offer my support to all of you," Rick said. Jay stiffened behind me. I guess that meant it was a lie.

"Well thank you so much, Rick," Mom said. I nearly rolled my eyes before she looked over at me and smiled. Rick threw another flirty look in my direction and I looked down. He was hot and all, there's no denying it, but I was crazy in love with the guy behind me. The same one who was about to attack his uncle.

"Jay, I'm starving, do you want to go get something to eat?" I asked quickly. He nodded stiffly and followed me outside the room. "Calm down."

"I'm trying Sum, I'm trying," he gritted.

"Nothing is going to happen between us, I promise," I said.

"I know, I just hate him trying," he sighed.

"Trust me, I know the feeling," I said, thinking of Emma and him.

"I know you do," he said, putting an arm around me. I smiled and took his free hand. We got in line and I jumped about ten feet when I heard the voice behind me.

"What's up kiddos?" Rick asked, amusement sparkling in his voice. He must have known he was bugging the heck out of Jay. In fact, he was starting to bug me too.

"Nothing you would be interested in," Jay said in a snappy tone.

"Just standing in line," I mumbled. Rick smiled.

"Thought you two could use some company," he said.

"We're keeping each other company. Thanks for the offer though," Jay said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders so that my back was pressed against him. We kept moving up in the line with Rick right behind us. I felt so awkward in the silence. I could tell they didn't like each other and now I was literally in between them at the table. Jay sat on my right while Rick pulled up a chair on my left and 'secretly' smirked at Jay.

"We don't need a babysitter," Jay mumbled to him. Bad place, I thought.

"I'm not here to babysit," Rick smiled again. Bad place, I thought in sing-song.

-Jay's POV-

I felt bad for Summer. She was sitting between a feuding uncle and nephew and our feud was over her. He knew it bugged me that he was going after her, and that's one of the main reasons he was doing it.

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