I 'Effin Love You part 23

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Shout out to my mother, who I know is reading this because she tells me every day that she read it. GO BACK TO WORK! :)

To my fans, thank you for reading and sorry for that bit of an awkward moment up there. Enjoy!

-Jay's POV-

I poked my head inside. Safe so far. I tiptoed through the living room only to hear my father clear his throat.

"Ahem," he said. I turned on my heel to face him and smiled, showing my teeth. He stared me down until I lost the smile.

"What's up?" I asked after a while.

"We need to talk," he said. I exhaled loudly and sat down on the couch and gestured for him to continue. He sat on the chair directly across from me.

"Jay, were you here earlier?" he asked. Uh....

"No?" I said, making that sound like a guess.

"Are you sure?"


"Your mother thinks you were here earlier and I wanted to see if you were."

"Does it matter?"

"A little, yes."


"This may come to you as a shock, but please bare with me here. I think your mother is having an affair," he whispered. NO! Really? I had no idea, I thought sarcastically.

"You think so?" I asked, pretending to be shocked. He nodded his head.

"I do," he said. Your right on track, I thought.

"Which makes me feel less bad for having my own affair," he said, leaning back. NO! You're having an affair? I again had no idea.

"You are?" I asked with wide eyes.

"It may be a shock, but I am," he confirmed. A shock? Not really. I'd be more shocked if they weren't having affairs.

"Who are you having an affair with?" I asked him, just to keep my act up. I knew who it was.

"The governor's wife," he mumbled. I knew it.

"Who do you think mom's having an affair with?" I asked. I also knew who that was and I bet he knew too.

"The governor," he said. I own this game! Ha ha! I tried to keep a straight face, but burst out laughing.

"You're right! You're so right. She's having an affair with the governor. I saw them earlier and nearly puked," I said, snickering. The look on my father's face changed. It became more shocked and sad. Ooh, I thought and stopped laughing. I hit a nerve.

-Summer's POV-

"Why won't you tell me what you did?" I asked Jimmy again. He threw his head back and groaned.

"Because I don't need you caught in the mix," he said.

"I'm technically already caught in it."


"You. You are my brother and yeah. You're in that mob. Now tell me."






"That's not a good reason."

"You never think it's a good reason."

"Because it's not. You don't have someone ask you why and you just answer 'because'. It doesn't work like that, buddy boy."

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