I 'Effin Love You part 39

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I realize that I really haven't said much of what happened between Josh and Summer when they were going out and I wanted to show you all just how terrible he was to her, although I'm sure you've all figured it out. Anyway, this part clarifies it more. Enjoy or don't enjoy. Don't forget to vote for best romance in the Watty Awards.

-Summer's POV-

At the end of the day, I had discovered I had my last two classes with Josh. Sixth hour I had with Kari, so I wasn't alone, but my seventh hour I had alone with him. What's more is that it's study hall. I was alone with him and he could move over by me and talk to me all he wants. Perfect. Just freaking peachy. Just great. Amazing. No complaining. I came out of the library after the last bell and rushed out to the parking lot where Annie was waiting for me by her car.

"What's the verdict?" she asked.

"Two classes total. One with Kari, one is by myself with him," I sighed, getting in.

"Which class?"

"Study hall."

"Oh sweet baby sugar pop," she said. I looked at her curiously. "What?"

"Sweet baby sugar pop?"


"And I thought I was weird."

"Uh....you are."

"Oh, thank you very much for that."

"You're very welcome."

"Cause that helped a lot with this situation here."

"Glad to help."

"Douche," I mumbled. She gasped.

"Now that's not nice at all!" she said. I bit my thumb at her. "Oh, that's REALLY not nice!" I grinned at her.

-Jay's POV-

I had no more classes with her, thank god. I was free until tomorrow. I didn't think she was that much of a stalker that she would follow me home. Right? She didn't have to follow me home. She knew where the mansion was. She knew dad's number. She could go there and ask him where I lived. She better not, she better not! Or Dad better not tell her. Who am I kidding? Of course he'll tell her! He's still trying to get me to break up with Summer and go to her.

"Not happening, old man," I said to myself. I was back home and was about to start on my Calculus homework when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"'EY! We're crashing at your place in an hour, that good with you?" Tyler asked.

"Define 'we', please."

"What? Oh, 'we' as in me, Russ, and a couple of girls we picked up. Oh and Arnie wants to come too."

"Tell Arnie to-"

"Be nice!"

"Why would you let Arnie come?"

"Because I want to make fun of him in front of people."

"Now who's not being nice."

"Oh, shut it. So what's up?"

"Fine, you guys can come here. You done with your homework, young man?"

"Who are you my mom?"

"I was messing with you."

"AH! You know I can't tell when you're messing around!"

"I'm just that good."

"Yeah, whatever," he said. "See you in an hour."

"Yeah," I said, hanging up. I was about to get back to my homework when someone knocked on the door. I really shouldn't have guests over when I have homework, but that would be rude. That and the teachers shouldn't be handing out homework on the first day, I mean come on! That's not fair. I put my stuff away and went to answer the door. I unlocked the latch and was about to the other lock when a thought came to me.

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