I 'Effin Love You part 32

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Hahaha! I'm sorry! This was a conversation from yesterday. Well, not really conversation, but yeah.

person 1: "Douche"

person 2: "Jerk"

person 1: "Douche bag"

person 2: "MILEY CYRUS LOVER!"

person 3: "Ooh, burn!"

To Miley Cyrus fans, I apologize but that was just funny to me. Ha ha, anyway here's the story.

-Summer's POV-

I opened my eyes and saw Jay sleeping right in front of me on my bed. I smiled and poked his cheek. He lazily opened his eyes.

"Wakey, wakey," I teased. He closed his eyes and smiled.

"I like waking up to this," he said. I smiled and blushed slightly. Jimmy came into the room.

"Oh good lord. Come on! Tell me you guys didn't do anything," he said.

"Jimmy! You weren't supposed to come in now!" I said, teasing him just like we did when he walked in on us on the couch. We hadn't really done anything then or now, but the faces that Jimmy made were freaking priceless and he was just so gullible! He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Har har har, that's soooo funny, Sum," he said. I grinned at him.

"Oh come on, you know it is," I said. He kept his narrowed eyes on us and backed out of the room.

"We're leaving in a few minutes, so get ready," he said. Jay and I burst out laughing as soon as he left the room.

"You're mean to that kid, you know?" Jay said.

"You KNOW it's funny," I said, getting off the bed. He followed and laughed more.

"I know," he said, planting his lips on mine.

-Josh's POV-

No one home still. I had passed Jimmy's place quite a few times and no one was here still. Where did they go? Where could they have possibly gone that they had to stay out all night and today? I went around to the backyard to climb up the side wall to Summer's window. It was always convenient how I could always find something to climb on to her window. I looked inside and it was vacant of her. Where were they? Then, I heard a car pulling into the driveway and heard car doors close. I quickly got down, hid behind a bush, and watched Summer, Jay, and Jimmy walk up to the front door and go inside.

-Jay's POV-

"Finally back home," Summer sighed, plopping down on the sofa.

"I suddenly love being here, even though I don't LOVE it," Jimmy said, plopping down next to her. I was about to sit on the other side of Summer, but my phone rang. I groaned when I saw who was calling.

"Yes, Melvin?" I asked. Summer rolled her eyes when I said his name.

"Son? I need you to come home right now. Where are you anyway? How early did you leave?" he asked.

"I left not too long ago," I lied.

"Oh, well get home now anyway, we need to talk," he said and then he hung up on me. I stuck my tongue out at the phone and put it back in my pocket.

"Let me guess. Your dad wants you back home?" Summer guessed.

"You know him so well," I said, pecking her lips. I turned and she kicked my butt. I whirled around in surprise. "What was that?"

"That's for having a jerk for a dad," she said. I smirked at her.

"Can't choose your family. You of all people should know that," I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed. "Love you too, Sum!" I called, leaving the room. I went out to my car and drove all the way back to the penthouse. I froze when I saw who was by the elevator. Emma. Suddenly, I have an urge to take the stairs. I crept over to them and went up about ten flights of stairs before pulling over. We were all the way at the top. There was no way that I was going to take the stairs the whole way there. Surely Emma was off the elevator by now. I went on to the floor I was on and pushed the button for the elevator. The doors opened and I let out a sigh of relief when there was no Emma on there, just an old lady. I got on with her and she got off two floors before me. I got off and went in the door and poked my head in. So far, so good. No Emma. No dad. No mom. No Rick.

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