Chapter 2:

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Madison's pov

Horses dotted the paddocks and students scurried to get unpacked. Willow Lane Academy, my home away from home. Located in upstate New York, the Academy consisted of world class facilities and teachers. My mother, Eliza Samuels was the headmistress of the Academy. So just like that, I had immediate acceptance to the exclusive school.

"Come on Olivia, I look fine" I grumble as my sister brushed imaginary dust off of me.

"Stop whining, you have to look perfect" Olivia snaps.

I roll my eyes and stay silent. Being Olivia's sister meant something. It meant I had to look perfect. I had to act perfect. I had to ride perfect. Everything about me had to be perfect. But it also meant I was in her shadow. It meant instead of being called Madison, I was 'Olivia's sister'.

Being known as 'Olivia's sister' sucked. No one would talk to me, fearing that I may take offence and tell Olivia. No one would critique me even when I asked. Most of all, I had no one to ride with and was always dragged along to hang out with Olivia. If you haven't noticed by now, a lot of people feared my pain in the backside sister.

"Okay, you can get out now" Olivia says before gliding out of the car.

Grumbling under my breath, I do as she says. Neither mom or dad were available to drop us off today, so we had our personal driver do so. I love my parents but they're always busy with work. It was the only annoying thing about them, besides the fact they've already planned out my life. I guess they're lack of attention and high expectations is what drove Olivia to be so jaded. My sister practically raised me though, and for that I was grateful.

It literally takes less then a minute before my sisters posy and admirers flock around us. Although they were friends with my sister, the same rules applied for them. Olivia was overprotective, and having a friendship with her doesn't grant you instant immunity. I've seen her chew friends up and spit them out before.

"Your boots are so gorgeous, are they designer?" One of Olivia's friends say.

I didn't feel like listening to the exchange so I keep walking to the barn. It wasn't long until I loose my sister and wind up at Koda's stall. At last, some peace and quiet.

"Hey there my boy" I coo, pulling out a treat from my hand bag.

Olivia would kill me if she knew I had horse treats in it. I chuckle at the thought of how furious she would be. Scolding me about how designer labels aren't to be within 100 yards of horse facilities. Koda has no problems with cleaning up the evidence within a split second. Smiling, I kiss the gelding on the head before going into his stall.

Koda is the horse that holds my heart. He was perfect in my eyes. Although he had no fancy pedigree or confirmation like Olivia's horse, I loved him no matter what. Uniquely, Koda was a Cleveland Bay cross Thoroughbred. He got his looks mainly from his Cleveland Bay bloodline. He was entirely bay, with a small faint star of his face that many people don't notice, and black legs. I thought he was utterly adorable.

He was the quiet type, not pushy and prefers to watch the commotion from a distance. He's just like me, allowing others to do the talking. Luckily for me, on the holidays I'm allowed to come out and see him when ever I like. Due to the fact we live in the New York City, we can't bring him home in the holidays. That's what many other students at Willow Lane do. Sighing in content of being with my best friend, I hesitantly pull back from the embrace only to hear the chatter of Mr Mallen. He was Willow Lanes very own riding instructor.

I duck down immediately in Koda's stall, not wanting to be introduced to whomever he's showing around the barn. It wasn't long until I hear the footfalls of a horse. Chewing on my lip, I quickly decide whether or not I actually wanted to hide. If there's a new horse in the stables, I definitely wanted to see it. Shaking my head and scolding myself for being so childish, I slowly stand, just before Mr Mallen passes Koda's stall.

"Ah, just who I was looking for" Mr Mallen says eagerly.

"Madison, meet Ariel Whitman, she's one of our new students at Willow Lane. She's going to be our new exercise rider and apprentice trainer" Mr Mallen explains with enthusiasm.

"Hi" I said quietly as I send her a smile.

"Ariel, this is Madison Samuels, the headmistress' daughter and also one of my star students. I believe you both are in the same year level" Mr Mallen hints.

Ariel smiles and says hi. Strangely enough the girl was dressed in a plaid shirt, jeans and cowboy boots. Yep, definitely new. If Olivia saw Ariel right now, she would be put on some sort of hit list. Olivia has a keen eye for fashion, and Ariel's fashion was something that would traumatise her.

"Well, Storm is just in the stall next to Koda so if you ever need anything, I'm sure Madison will be happy to help" Mr Mallen says, before excusing himself.

Ariel sends me a sheepish grin before leading her horse into the stall next to Koda's. I turn back to Koda and fuss over him, stalling to gain enough time to check out her horse. The black horse was markless, no white on him what so ever. I couldn't quite place what breed he was but he surely was beautiful.

Eventually I decide to leave Koda so I can get ready for the equestrian orientation meeting. It gave us a run down on this years expectations and tryouts. It was just the same old orientation we hear every year. Most students zone out until they start discussing trials.

Walking along the pathways was as peaceful as always. A lot of the student body were to preoccupied with unpacking that they didn't have enough time to roam around the campus. Then again, many students take all their things since they may live in different states. The only the kids who leave their stuff here live in New York. In a way we were lucky, having the school facilities all to ourselves in the holidays.

Reaching my dorm didn't take to long, however getting to my room was another story. Weaving through all the students was super annoying. I let out a loud sigh of relief when I reach my door. Luckily for me, I didn't have to change assigned rooms.

Swinging my door open, I take in the familiar surroundings and belly flop onto my bed. Home sweet home! No one annoying me and asking if I was 'Olivia's sister'. Pure bliss.

After a few moments, I roll over to my side and peak around my room. Hardwood floors, light yellow walls and a white roof. Initially when I first got the room and it was bare, I came up blank for ideas. It took me a while, but after a couple weeks, and with some extra help, my room became my oasis. My bed was tucked away in the corner and already made.

I set an alarm on my phone so I know when to leave. Now all I needed to do was wait until time passed. And maybe, if I'm lucky, I can go riding after the orientation meeting...

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