Chapter 43:

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Ariels POV:

Olivia was proving to be more of a challenge than Gold...

Once back in the arena, I had Olivia ride gold around the ring, watching them both carefully. Olivia's position was practically flawless as far as I could tell, and Gold responded well to her, ears flicking at her cues. What i did notice though, was that Olivia stayed silent during her riding, not making so much as a peep when she walked, trotted and cantered.

That's what gave me the feeling that would be proved right in the next few minutes. I had walked over and whispered for Maddy to call me on my phone after I turned the ringer on full blast, then made my way back to the middle of the arena.

Once the loud bell sounded from my pocket and echoed across the arena, what i saw surprised me. It was Olivia who tensed up first, not Gold. Her shoulders tensed, she gripped with her knees, dug her heels into the geldings sides and pulled her hands into her stomach. Once gold reacted to her sudden fear, he himself started to be afraid, pacing on the spot and circling around, creating a rut in the dirt.

I held up my hand, the signal for Maddy to hang up, then motioned Olivia over once the older girl dismounted.

" Olivia... " my voice was lowered as I moved the microphone from my face. " When did Gold first get spooked by a ringing phone? "

Olivia's gaze fell to her boots as she kicked a clump of dirt. All her earlier snarky comments seemed to disappear with her silence.

I knew she wasn't going to tell i decided to make something up...after all...Maddy's parents weren't here to see it after all, so they wouldn't be able top object.

I put a hand on Olivia's shoulder as I walked past to face the crowd once again.

" Olivia is a very good rider, however, I believe that in Golds past. he may have spooked at a cell phone, resulting in his rider falling off. Now Olivia may associate that sound herself with the fall. After watching Gold and Olivia...I've noticed that whenever a phone goes off... " I snuck a glance at Olivia, who looked about ready to rip my head off my shoulders.

" ...You react first. you tense up in the saddle...Gold isn't reacting to the phone going off...he's reacting to you reacting to the sound... " I held my hand out. I'd like to try something... "

Olivia begrudgingly handed Gold over to me and everything was silent as i took off the geldings tack before having Maddy hoisted me onto the tall chestnuts back.

As I clicked him forward into a slow walk, I made sure to keep my body loose, moving with him. Gold responded by lowering his head practically to the ground.

" A horse is very in tune to their riders body language, especially when the horse and said rider have a strong bond... " i spoke to the crowd. " So right now I'm keeping my body language nice and loose, just following Golds movements... "

I looked at Maddy and nodded. " So now I'll continue to stay calm and loose while Maddy calls my phone. I have a feeling Gold may act very differently "

My phone echoed from its place on the mounting block, but the only reaction Gold gave was a swivel of his ears toward the noise. " You're okay " I whispered as I rubbed his neck with a smile.

Gold snorted and went back to dragging his nose in the dirt.

The crowd clapped as I brought gold back to the middle of the arena and hopped off, looking at Olivia. " ...Your turn "

Olivias face turned a few shades paler than it already had been.

" I want Olivia to ride tackless so that she can't give any of the strong signals shes been sending to Gold once the phone goes off... " I covered my mic as I turned to Olivia. " Do you want me to walk beside you? "

Olivia's face turned stone serious once again and she shook her head. " I can handle myself... "

In one leap she was able to gracefully swing her leg over Golds back. I waited until she adjusted herself before nodding and watching as they walked forward. Olivia seemed so...out of her element, but despite her uncomfortable expression, her position was still perfect.

I gave Maddy a quick nod and waited for the echoing ring to sound again. olivia still tensed up, but with no reins to grip and no stirrups to dig into golds side, the gelding reacted much less spooky.

" Just...Talk to him, let him know you're there with him "

" ...Easy boy... " Olivia's face turned pink. " ...I-It's okay...I'm right here... "

Putting a hand on his neck, I saw the gelding calm down almost instantly, and spoke my thoughts to the crowd. " Once Gold realizes that his rider isn't afraid, he won't see the phone ringing as a threat anymore... "

Once gold calmed down, I could see the smile spread on Olivia's face, her confidence, whatever little she had lost, was back now, and so was Golds. I even had them go over a small jump right as my ringer went off. Olivia didn't tense, and in turn, neither did Gold.

After that, we took a short break before the last performance of the clinic, me and Storm.

Olivia was immediately swarmed by all her popular friends, who praised her and talked smack about me.

" She had no right to call you out like that! "

" Teaching you how to ride your horse! Who does she think she is? "

" You sure showed her! You and Gold did perfect! "

I rolled my eyes as I walked by them, listening in as Olivia agreed to everything they said, but as her friends disappeared around the corner, she whistled at me, catching my attention and mouth a 'Thank you' with a smile.

It was then that I understood. Olivia and i would never be publicly friends, but secretly, we both knew that if anything happened, she would have my back, and I would have hers.

And that was okay with me.

As I opened Storms stall door, I was greeted by Maddy, who had Storm groomed to a T. She was probably the only other person the black gelding would let into his stall for longer than a few seconds. But Maddys normally cheery face was cloudy as she brushed out Storms tail.

I leaned against the door frame, crossing my arms. " Are you still upset about your parents? "

" No...I'm over that...well,'s Noah, he's such a jerk! " She let Storms tail go and threw the brush in my grooming bucket. " ...I really need to just get over what happened with him...focus on riding... "

Maddy was right. Noah really was an idiot...but if I could do anything, it would be to make sure all those riding lessons paid off between us. 

I quickly started to search my pockets, pretending like I had lost something.

" ...Oh no... "

I was a terrible actress.

" What? " Maddy asked with a raised brow.

" ...My dad gave me this charm bracelet yesterday after dinner...I think i may have dropped it in the field when I was getting Storm... "

Maddy raised a hand and smiled. " have no fear! Your loyal assistant will find it for you! "

I smiled as I watched her leave the barn. " It should be near the big tree in the back pasture! " I called after her. Once she disappeared down the aisles, I quickly pulled out my phone and called Noah.

" What's up Horse girl? " I could practically hear his smirk through the phone.

" Haha, very funny " I deadpanned. " listen good Noah, get your but to the stables and meet me by Appys stall...You only have one chance at this before Maddy loses interest in you forever... "

" ...I'll be right there " I had never heard the boy be so serious sounding before. It made me smile.

" hurry! " As soon as I hung up I rushed to grab Appys tack.

The plan had officially been put into motion...

I just hoped everything went well...

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