Chapter 32:

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Madison's pov

"Good boy Koda, we did our best  yesterday" I whisper.

The bay gelding looked at me as if understanding our sadness. It would have been sweet to finally beat Jack in show jumping. We would have to pick up our pace slightly in show jumping. But I didn't want to mess up Koda's striding.

"Next time gorgeous" I mutter, hugging his neck and turning around when I hear Olivia's voice.

Her and Ariel have been conversing for the whole afternoon. Since coming up with a plan yesterday, we've had to follow many steps to ensure everything worked out. That involved getting Olivia's friends to watch Jack. We had eyes on him at all times, and sure, maybe it was stalking... But if it meant the safety of all the horses, then we were going to do it.

I couldn't be more thankful for having Olivia on my side, she was our backbone. I knew if there was anyone Jack feared, it was definitely Olivia. She could ruin him with a single tweet, and he's lucky she hasn't. Olivia is a very connected girl for her age, Jack was playing a dangerous game.

"Don't worry, it's not like you can be forced to let someone ride your horse. Gosh, and by Mr Müller. He's a judge and  professional! Jack is delusional and way out of his league" Olivia laughs.

Ariel hesitates. "Are you sure, his family have a lot more influence then mine"

"Please, the reason why he hasn't cried mommy is because he's bluffing. If it really worries you, think of it like this. That family is nothing compared to mine and this academy. As you know, my mom doesn't take kindly to bullying. She'll take your side in a heart beat, she just needs either myself or Madison to give her the word" Olivia says strongly.

Ariel gapes. "Just like that? Isn't that a little brutal...?"

Olivia laughs yet again. "Oh gosh no, it could be much worse then that. Wow, you're way to nice"

"-anyway, your not going to flunk out now, right?" Olivia prompts, raising her eye brows.

Ariel snorts. "No way! I'm just worried about reprocussions-"

Olivia cuts her off. "That imbecile is threatening your horse, as long as he's destroyed, reprocussions don't matter"

And there's the fierce tone I've grown to admire in my temperamental sister.

"She is right though Olivia, we just need to be careful" I speak up.

"We've got tons of my people on speed dial, I promise it'll be fine" Olivia says, trying to reassure us.

My phone dings, but instead of my heart sinking, I suppress a smile.

Noah: If you need me to knock out pony boy, I'm close by. Stay safe Maddy x

I roll my eyes at the text, of course he would say that. After the show yesterday, Noah has been way overprotective. I don't think he was to impressed when he heard Jack made a move on me. Gosh, the boy is so confusing.

Suddenly I double take. Did he just send me an x. Blinking, I stare at it for a moment. What the hell does that mean? What the heck does x mean to him?! Is that a friendly gesture or what?

'It's nothing Maddy, just ignore it' a voice says in the back of my head.

I type a quick reply and look back up at the girls, except they were already looking at me expectantly. "What?"

Olivia shakes her head and mutters under her breath. "Clueless"

"Was that Noah?" Ariel asks.

I nod slowly, completely confused.

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