Chapter 41:

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Ariel's POV:

The first day of the clinic had gone better than I could have ever hoped.

After I had finished working with Odin and Mr. Mallen had announced that the rest of the clinic would take place tomorrow, tens of people had come up to me and asked me questions about what they should be doing to solve their horses problems. Some even offered to pay to have me work with their horses back home.

It had been a bit overwhelming to say the least, but I was happy that people finally seem to be taking the work I do with horses seriously.

" My best friend is famous! " Maddy gasped dramatically as she looped an arm though mine. We were heading out with my dad and sisters to the campus pizza restaurant for a celebration. I think that Maddy had been hoping her parents would want to tag along, but I had seen the look of hope drop off her face when her parents had left the stands without a word, not even bothering to come talk to their daughter afterwards. Still, she bounced back to her cheerful self in record time.

I giggled as I rolled my eyes. " I'm not famous "

" After that clinic you may as well be! " Maddy replied. " Did you see how many people wanted you to work with their horses after the clinic? And this was just the first day! "

" Madison's right " Dad called as he walked behind us, holding each of my sisters hands as they walked on both sides of him. " this could be a great chance to get some business into the farm again Ariel "

I bit my lip. " ...And you'd be okay with bringing moms work back home? "

" Are you kidding? I think it would be great! " Dad replied.

" Daddy's been talking about buying cows! " Tess suddenly shouted. " And getting a horse for him, Jess and me! " she skipped ahead of dad and walked beside me and Maddy.

I raised a brow. " Oh he has has he? " I glanced back at my dad, who was grinning ear to ear.

" What? " he teased. " You don't think i could make a good cowboy? "

I rolled my eyes playfully. " Tess I can see chasing cows on horseback, but you and Jess...that'll take a bit more imagination " I smiled.

" Hey! " Jess called out. " I can ride horses just as good as Tess can! "

" you'll have to prove it to me... " I teased just as we entered the restaurant.

As we sat down and ordered, chatting calmly between our group, I thought about how much my life had changed since first coming to Willow Lane. When I first arrived, i was the poor horse whisperer who rode a demon mount and had been targeted for ridicule by the headmistresses daughter. Now I was best friends with the headmistresses other daughter, I had managed to get almost the entire equestrian community at the school into liberty work with their horses and Storm was slowly coming around to not being a total demon, not to mention i was helping my family get back on our feet after a few years of wondering if we'd make enough money to buy groceries every two weeks. We still had a long way to go, but life was looking up.

It still would never be the same as it was when mom was alive, but I knew she would be looking down on us and smiling



" So... " Maddy called from Koda's stall. " What's on your list of plans for fall break? "

" Um... " I was so focused on getting a knot out of Storms tail that I took a few moments to reply. " probably just going home, helping my dad with all the big plans he has for our barn " I smiled just thinking about how much fun it would be herding cattle with my dad and little sisters. My mom had always talked about living a life like that, but her work with horses kept her busy from living that life.

" If that's all, I have something I would like to ask you...something to offer... "

" Oh? " I teased. " Is it life or death important? "

Maddy laughed. " Nope, it can wait until after the clinic "

" looking forward to it "

" Are you two done yet? "

I peeked out of Storms stall and saw Olivia staring at me with Gold standing beside her. the gelding looked immaculet, groomed and sprayed with show sheen that made even the braids in his mane sparkle in the light.

Olivia crossed her arms as she looked between Maddy and I. " Mom and dad, not to mention the rest of the school, are waiting... " I could've sworn I saw a hint of a smile on her face. " The first day seemed to go good...better than I ever thought... "

I smiled slightly. " ...Thank Olivia... "

And I meant it


" Now that we've seen a good, fundamental warm up with our horses and riders... " I spoke into my microphone as I watched Maddy, Olivia Angel's owner/rider and Odins rider walk their horses on a long rein. " We can start working with the problem each of these horses have with their riders... " I turned to Maddy first. " We can start with Madison and Koda... "

Maddy halted Koda in the center of the arena as the others kept their horses walking at one end of the arena.

I smiled as I nodded at her. " I know everyone here probably knows you already, but why don't you introduce yourself and your horse and state one problem you have been having lately "

I could see Maddy blush when I noticed a certain leather clad boy sitting front row in the stands

Noah watching Maddy ride in my clinic, I didn't know what was worse for her, having her parents watching her ride, or having Noah watching her ride.

Maddy cleared her throat as I handed her the microphone.

" ...W...Well....I... "

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