Chapter 8:

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Madison's pov

It was the first day of school and I was surprisingly ecstatic. I had my equine behavioral studies class today and I couldn't wait. The subjects were hard, all of them, but the hard work helped me relax during competition time. I know that sounds crazy but it's my way of keeping busy. Once I started to get the curriculum, I had no problems in getting good grades.

When I arrived at Koda's stall before school started, I had noticed that Ariel had taken Storm out. Her tack was gone from her designated spot and the black gelding was no where to be seen. Shrugging it off, I gave Koda his morning feed and a good brush. As the day went on, it started to become less exciting. If it wasn't for Olivia, I would've gone to sit with Ariel at lunch. She didn't seem to have made any friends and sat in a more secluded area by the window. All it would take was for her to be on good terms with my sister. By now the whole barn had probably been told not to socialise with her. Olivia tends to do stuff like that...

By the end of the day I felt physically ill. I had a very bad feeling about this ridiculous race. It was confirmed the minute Ariel declined putting the bridle on Storm. We were going to be in so much trouble if we were caught. Mr Mallen was currently in his office and didn't know a thing. It would only take one person to snitch on us, then I'll be on behavioural probation for multiple weeks.

"You remember what I told you?" I whisper to Ariel so Olivia doesn't hear me talking to her.

"Yeah, I have to pull him up to a trot before the stream" Ariel recites.

"Good, and no matter what Olivia does, you do NOT want to cross that stream at a canter or a gallop" I add, trying to express how serious I am.

"Shouldn't you be telling your sister this?" Ariel says.

"I did but Olivia never listens to me, she'll just ask why I know that" I sigh, glancing cautiously at the group in front of us.

"And how do you know?"

"Don't tell anyone, but that's where I go and practice sometimes, then Olivia can't hassle me... Something I've noticed is that when ever it rains the night before, the footing is atrocious the next day. If you canter..." I explain, still keeping my voice at a whisper.

"-your horse could slip" I add, Ariel nodding understandingly.

"Okay newbie, we start here" I hear Olivia say as she steers Gold around the face her and Storm.

Storm flattens his ears and gives Gold the side eye. The horses seem to have taken after their owners. The thought almost made me giggle even though we were about to break one of the biggest rules on our first day of school. Whoops.

Myself and Olivia's friends move to different parts of the course. I obviously go to the stream, Koda's favourite place out of the whole course. The gelding loved to splash around in the shallow water. Some days he would leap over it, other days he aspires to be a whale.

I don't hear the race start, but one of Olivia's friends messaged us that they were on there way. A part specifically stating that Olivia was in the lead. Nervously, I fiddle with my reins. Olivia was a very good rider and had plenty of bareback experience. When ever she's by herself, she'll go bareback jumping with Gold. I guess that's how she keeps her strong seat when Gold plays up in cross country.

They had to be close now...

As if reading my thoughts, I heard the heavy footfalls of two horses. Soon enough I saw that both girls were neck to neck. Storm was just inching in front of Gold. How both girls have gotten so far into the course will remain a mystery to me. Storm had his ears pinned back just like Gold, both horses not liking their close proximity.

Koda and I move away from the stream and watch with interest as they go over another jump. Koda's ears perk up in interest as he lazy chews on grass. His down to earth nature was so adorable, I wish I had a camera with me.

Because I was so entranced with my super cute horse, I hadn't noticed that Olivia didn't slow down before the stream. As expected, she charged through it. It was to late for her now. Storm begrudgingly slowed to a trot about a meter before the stream. Gold seems to slip and slide on the embankment before awkwardly trying to jump over the stream. Unfortunately, the gelding doesn't land on the other side and tumbles into the water. I held my breath as Olivia flies over his head. As Gold starts to stand up, Olivia lands partially in the water and on the muddy embankment.

Oh. My. God.

Gold flattens his ears and kicks at Storm who Ariel's halted.

While all this commotion is happening in a matter of seconds, Koda watches with fascination. I suck in a deep breath when Storm turns on a dime to avoid Gold's attack. Gold's hooves narrowly miss Storm's face who by now looks frightened from all the action.

Shaking away the shock, I begin to dismount. But when Gold hastily starts trotting out of the stream I knew what was going to happen next. So did Olivia.

"Whoa boy!" She calls putting her hands up and trying to stop the gelding from bolting by her.

He dodges and takes off at a gallop. By now, Ariel was trying to steady a freaked out Storm. I quickly turn Koda and we take off after Gold. Although Koda was a relaxed horse, he was by far the fastest mount at Willow Lane. His big ground covering strides and eagerness to please made him all the more better. I think he has a big heart, you just got to get to know him and you'll see it.

"Easy boy" I call, trying to soothe the gelding while praying he won't tangle his legs in the reins.

It wasn't the fact he was tired, but the fact that he's scared. My words have no effect on him so I cue for Koda to gallop a little faster. I always liked the fact that Koda had a bit of thoroughbred in him. It comes in handy when my sister or another rider does something stupid. Every time a horse bolts during practice at Willow Lane, I'm usually the one who chases after it. I admit, it's kind of fun...

Meaning that this isn't Koda and I's first time chasing a spooked horse.

As I reach one hand over and get a good grip of Gold's reins, I slow Koda back into a canter and then a trot. Gold's heavy breathing seems to calm slightly when he sees Koda isn't scared. Horses tend to pick up on others emotions, so having a calm horse was a big plus.

As we trot back, I see Ariel sailing into the stream. Okay, now there officially can't be anything to top this. Gold eyes Olivia's posy who have magically appeared out of thin air. All the girls seem to be giggling at the scene. That was until Olivia threw them an angry look.

From waist down, Olivia was dripping wet. Everything above her waste was mud. A thick layer of mud. Ariel seemed to come out on top, avoiding being thrown in the mud alongside Olivia. However, she was soaked from head to toe. I smirk at Olivia, I told her not to race Gold through the stream.

"Not a word" Olivia hisses, sending me a death stare.


I'm unsure why Ariel fell off, but I was glad my sister learned her lesson. By the time we walked back, Ariel and Olivia's clothes seemed to have dried. But before we made our way back, Olivia refused to leave until she washed all the mud off her. However, she couldn't wash away that horrible mud smell. And she certainly couldn't repair her broken ego.

Sitting here in my room and reflecting on my first day, I let out a laugh. Wow. That's one way to start a year.

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