Chapter 22:

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Madison's pov

"Whoa boy, you're okay" I murmur.

Storm's head feels as though it's ten feet in the air. The gelding was looking around everywhere with wild eyes. He snorts, prancing on the spot.

"Mr. Mallen, I can take care of Storm" I said immediately.

Besides Ariel, he's more use to me then anyone else at Willow Lane. So it made sense if I took care of him instead of a groom. After riding Storm tackless, he's begun trusting me more.

"Very well, afterwards, could you go check on Ariel?" He asks.

"Of course" I said immediately.

'Was going to do that anyway' I felt like saying.

"Thank you Madison, I knew you would be a good choice as captain" Mr. Mallen smiles.

Afterwards, he turns back to the intermediate team and begins speaking with them. I smile at the compliment. As I lead both Koda and Storm out of the arena, I could've sworn I saw Jack glaring at me. Shaking my head, I scold myself for thinking such a thing.

'As if he's angry at you for becoming captain, or helping Ariel' I tell myself.

Since Storm was already antsy enough, I put a halter over Koda's bridle and tie him up, promising to untack him after Storm. Storm wasn't so easy, however after observing what Ariel does while caring for him, I somehow manage. The most difficult part would've been to get his bridle off. Not only could I not only reach his head, but I was worried he would take off. Right after Ariel. Where ever she is.

As I undo his girth and remove his tack, he sighs. It was as if he'd given up his search. Watching Storm closely, I still remain cautious. I knew he had a habit of moods swings. He changes moods more then a girl changes clothes.

I decide to take this moment of calmness and quickly groom him. As I put him away, I also give him his dinner. He looked sad, even when he started eating. We both didn't have a clue what was going on.

"She'll be back buddy, I promise" I whisper, before turning around and going back to Koda.

While I had been attending to Storm, Koda would paw at the ground and have a little fit. Jealous much? But as soon as I got to him, he went back to snoozing. I roll my eyes.

If there was ever a horse that could misbehave worse then Storm, it would surprisingly be Koda. But it was a different type of misbehaving. I don't even know how to describe it, because even up until this day, it makes no sense. It only ever happens when I leave him for more then a couple days. Usually after day 3, I get a call from my coaches, begging me to come home from what ever holiday I would be on.

Dramatic, I know.

"Hey!" I giggle as Koda turns to try and dig into my pockets.

His head shoots up at my voice and he gives me an expectant look.

"Dinner is coming" I roll my eyes as I untie him.

Giving him a final hug, I put Koda in his stall and take off his halter. Before going to the feed room, I grab my phone from my hiding place in Koda's tack trunk. I glance at my notifications and see that Ariel's already messaged me.

Ariel: Can you please put Storm out in the paddock with Koda tonight, I won't be able to make it back.


I type a quick response, asking if she was okay. Even after making and mixing Koda's feed, she hadn't responded. But as I give Koda his dinner, my phone buzzes. Turning on my phone, I don't see her response. Instead, there was a link that had been sent to me by an unknown number.

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