Chapter 26:

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Madison's pov

"He wasn't like that when I got Parker out" Amelia states.

"What do you mean?"

"When I got Parker out, all the horses were fine. I don't see why Jack didn't just leave him, the divider would've kept him in anyway" Ava adds.

I look at the new girl and then Amelia again.

"So your saying that they were tied up" I repeat.

"What does it matter now? Storm looks about ready to have a fit" Amelia shrugs, turning back to tack up Parker.

She was right, Storm was in a very bad mood now. As Ariel warmed up, he would spook, pig root, or even completely stop. Koda who was now tacked up, was ready for his dressage round in the other arena. But first, I was going to watch Ariel's round and pray for a miracle.

"Well thanks for telling me" I mutter.

Amelia sighs. "I'm only telling you because Jack is being a jerk and shouldn't be messing with someone else's horse"

"Well thank you" I repeat before leaving the barn.

People moved around busily as I walked a placid Koda to the arena. We find a spot to stand by the fence, far enough away that we wouldn't interrupt Ariel. As the first rider finishes a nice test, Ariel is called to the arena.

As she walks Storm in, it's already a disaster. His head was so high in the air, he may as well be a giraffe. When they reach X, Storm stops but side steps as Ariel salutes. It wasn't a good start.

Picking up a working trot and tracking left, Storm doesn't seem to be cooperating. He starts tossing his head, spooking at the corner and dancing on his feet nervously. His whole body was rigid and his nostrils flared. Ariel was definitely doing her best, trying to keep him working and distracted.

As she picks up an extended canter down the long side, he tries drifting off the track. She then asks him for a collected trot on a circle. This would've probably been the best part of her test. But of course Storm being Storm, let out a single all mighty buck.

Ariel shockingly stays seated and continues the test. So far Storm has done everything you don't want to happen in a test. He's gone off the track, didn't halt squarely, spooked, bucked and so on. They had gathered a rather big crowd who watched in fascination. They all were probably waiting to see if she just quit, but I knew Ariel.

She wasn't going to quit and her persistence was admirable, I couldn't be the only one thinking that.

When their dressage test comes to an end, Ariel looks relieved to leave the arena. As she walks Storm out, he still continues to eye everything wildly. Everyone in the crowd knew better then to get in the path of a spooked horse. Unless your Ariel and you have super powers which cause every horse to like you.

I grin at the thought.

"That was horrible" Ariel winced when I come into her line of sight.

"But you stayed on and he didn't jump out of the arena" I point out.

"Because bucking in the middle of a dressage test isn't bad enough" Ariel rolls her eyes.

"It's your first show, they're meant to be a little... messy?" I say, trying to cheer her up.

I felt awful that I was the reason that Storm was spooked. I should've made sure there was a divider stopping Koda from reaching into Storm's box. He's well known for doing weird stuff. I highly doubt Jack untied him.

Koda is knowm to be a trouble maker. He even escaped his stall a couple months back and ran around the main school buildings. Mom was furious. So as many Willow Lane students watched, she yelled at me. My denfense being that Koda was bored and must've escaped. Which is entirely true, he should've been in the paddock that day anyway.

It's not like I asked him to track me down during the middle class a day before summer break...

"We still have cross country and show jumping" Ariel says.

I beam. "Which you'll kill, you guys are speed demons, I'm sure you'll get great scores for them"

"I hope so, then my epic fail of a dressage test can be forgotten" Ariel smiles, not looking bothered at all.

Again, I feel guilty.

"I'm really sorry Ariel... at least he wasn't untied for long. Amelia and Ava said they were fine when they got Parker and Winston" I said, hoping that would make a difference.

"Wait Maddy....what if-" Ariel is cut off when Amelia rides over to us.

"Look at that horrible hoodie Jack's wearing. Gross" she says, halting Parker.

I look the way Amelia motions, distracted momentarily. The hoodie looked familiar, but Amelia was clearly poking fun at Jack. He looked how he always looked.

'He's up to something' a voice said in the back of my head.

"What were you saying Ariel" I ask, looking back at her.

"I'll tell you later" she mutters, looking at Amelia.

"Okay well I've got my test in the other arena. We'll talk once I get back, okay?"


"Ah hello? Guys? I'm here to you know" Amelia says as we all parts ways.


"That was Madison Samuels on Kodak Moment, with a wonderful round" the announcer says over the speakers.

That had to be our best one yet. Koda moved so freely and effortlessly during that round. As suspected, I spotted Jack scowling as always. It was starting to get really irritating. I didn't like the way he snapped at Ariel earlier either.

"I don't know, ask your horse!" was what he said.

Well maybe we should be asking you Jack, since you were the only one there. Amelia and Ava did say Storm wasn't untied when they got their horses. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but what if... what if it was Jack...?

It made no sense though, Ariel isn't even in our level. Why would Jack care? I would understand why he's mad at me, but over the captaincy title? It was ridiculous.

"That was great, you'll have to show me how to do such smooth transitions" Ariel complimented.

My smile wavers when I see Jack stalk off. What if he is the person messaging us. Barely anyone knows Ariel and I's phone number. What will we do if its him. If it is, then we'll need to keep an eye on him at all times.

"Can we talk now?" I ask suddenly.

Ariel looks around and nods.

"I don't think Koda untied Storm" Ariel says.

I give her a look of doubt.

"-I think Jack did, I don't know why though"

"I agree, and I have a plan" I respond, dismounting Koda and giving him a pat.

"What's the plan?" Ariel asks, her interest peaking dramatically.

"I'm going to search for that phone and look through his messages... but you have to distract him" I said, looking in the direction he went.

"No way!"

"Yes way" I grin.

"Why me?" She argues.

"Because he tolerates you more then me, duh?" I sass.

"Fine, I'll do it" she sighs.

I smirk, happy that I get my way.

If we pull this off, I'm officially claiming the Nancy Drew title!

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