Chapter 24:

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Madison's pov

"Thank you ladies for coming to me about this, the site has been removed" my mom says.

I nod, not shocked at all. Just give mom 5 minutes on a phone and she can do anything. She may be "just a headmistress" but she's also a powerful public figure. She can take anyone and anything down.

After showing her the webpage and telling her the number that sent the link, she told us to wait outside. I knew she only did that because she was about to make a 'not so kind' phone call. She IS a mom after all, and she doesn't take to well to bullying websites.

I couldn't begin to imagine what she would do if we showed her the messages that came with that link. She has a tendency to destroy everything in her path when someone threatens her reputation. I couldn't imagine what she would do if she saw the threats aimed at Ariel and I.

It's probably best we didn't.

"What about the number, do you know who sent the link?" I ask.

Ariel stood there, looking relieved and shocked.

"Not yet, your father has someone looking right now. It'll take time however, but when I know, you'll know" mom explains.

"-but we do know that who ever posted the video wasn't the person who sent the link" mom adds.

"So just like that, the video is gone...?" Ariel asks.

"Yes, and if the video is put up again, the user who posted it has been warned about legal action" mom reassures.

"Legal action?"

"Mom doesn't mess around, that video shouldn't be on the internet" I said.

Mom looks down at her watch. "I'm sorry to cut it short, but I have to go otherwise I'll be late for a meeting"

I sigh and nod.

It's the first time I've spoken to mom since the holidays. She doesn't call me, only emails me reminders. Dad on the other hand does call me, but only for a couple minutes and very rarely. That's just how my family worked.

As Ariel and I leave the office, we head off to the barn. It was a quiet Saturday morning and not many people were out. A lot of the students sleep in, unless their either Olivia or Amelia. You can always find them training or grooming their horses on a Saturday.

Beats me how they keep a social life and have a good sleeping routine.

"Okay, so I know we've been doing a lot of practicing for the show and clinic lately, but I was thinking..." I start.

Ariel gasps. "You think?"

I roll my eyes. "Haha, very funny"

"Just kidding" Ariel giggles.

"I was thinking, why don't we go for a trail ride?" I suggest.



"Wow, this place is insane" Ariel says in awe.

I look around and take in the scenery. A few deer had taken off up ahead and startled birds flew out of the trees. The summer heat was now being replaced by a cool fall breeze. Leaves on the oak trees were beginning to turn orange. It gave out a rustic feeling and made me even more excited for Halloween.

Halloween, aka the coolest time of the year!

I could dress Koda up in ridiculously cute clothing and pull pranks. This year would have to be the best though. This year I had a proper friend to do it with. Ariel has yet to find out about my prank traditions, but I would definitely tell her soon.

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