Chapter 30:

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Madison's pov

When I see my friend saunter off, I turn to the two boys.

"Are you guys freaking kidding me? Do you just wake up and go, hi Jack, hey Noah! Gee, how are we going to ruin someones life today? Oh I know, let's freak out Ariel's horse and potentially ruin any career she was just starting" I shout.

The boys remain silent.

"Now thanks to you BOTH, I have to go fix this before it becomes a complete and utter MESS" I finish, turning on my heels and chasing after that judge.


"Yes, I understand-" I start.

"-the horse is a danger not only to its rider, but spectators. Now you're expecting me to believe that he's not all that bad. Miss Samuels, I understand that Lighting Striker is your friends horse, but I'm doing this in everyones best interest" the judge, Mr Müller sighs.

"Yes, I get that. But could you please give Storm a chance. Ariel is holding a clinic on him before fall break at Willow Lane. If you just came to watch, you'll understand what I mean. He's a great horse" I argue.

The judge looks at me for a long time, annoyance flickering over his features. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"Not at all" I said, remaining adamant.

Mr Müller sighs before nodding. "Fine, I'll come to the clinic and see for myself. But if he puts one foot wrong-"

"Thank you sir! You won't regret it for a second" I beam.

Whirling around, I race off to the barn, ignoring the grumbling of the judge.

Wait until Ariel hears this!

"Ariel!" I call as I reach Storm's stall.

Instead of Ariel, I come face to face with the very person who had me fuming.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I snap.

"I was here to speak with Ariel" he sighs.

I give him a blank look.

"Noah was telling me that apparently Jack reported Storm to that judge" Ariel speaks up, frustration evident in her voice.

"It's why I confronted Jack... if I knew Storm would've reacted that way, I would've done something later" Noah sighs.

"You think" I said sarcastically, crossing my arms.

"I'm not some horse expert Maddy" Noah defends, a sheepish expression covering his face.

This time, I'm the one sighing. "Well next time pull yourself together, Ariel and Storm could've gotten hurt"

Noah shrugs. "Duly noted"

By now I realise Ariel hasn't said anything and is grinning at me.

"Anyway, moving on, I spoke to the judge for you" I said.

This perks Ariel's interest. "What did he say?"

"I was able to negotiate. He'll be coming to the clinic, and if Storm behaves then he won't report him. But if he doesn't-"

"-no more clinics and shows" Ariel groans.

"That's ridiculous" Noah says, pushing himself off stall door he was leaning on.

"I know, and this all thanks to Jack reporting Storm and causing this whole fiasco in the first place" I scowl.

"It was my fault too" Noah sighs.

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