Chapter 37:

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Ariel's POV:

" Get me off this crazy thing! "

I couldn't help but let a laugh escape my lips as I watched Noah bounce around in the saddle. He was currently riding Crab Apple, better known as Appy, a 15.1 strawberry roan Welsh Cob mare who was used for beginner riders.

I had told Maddy that I hadn't heard from Noah since she had told me they kissed, and even though I felt bad for lying to her, I was hoping to make up for it with what I had been helping Noah with.

He texted me (how he got my number I have no idea) asking if I could help him ask Maddy out on a date. At first, I didn't know how I could help him, but when he asked to meet me at the barn, I started to get a pretty good idea what he had in mind.

Had I known it was going to be this entertaining, I would've taken less than a day to tell him yes.

Slowing Appy to a walk at the end of the lunge line, I let Noah settled himself back into the saddle. His face was red, whether from embarrassment or exertion I had no idea.

Granted, Noah wasn't my favorite person to be around. His personality changed back and forth almost as Jacks had. He had sworn me to secrecy as soon as I had agreed to coach him and snuck to and from the barn like it was illegal for him to be here, even when I assured him I had gotten permission from Mr. Mallen to teach him a few beginners lessons.

" It'll be easier if you post, like I told you to, " I told him as I gathered the line and walked towards the small mare. Appy was a lesson horse for the beginner riders team. She was a great confidence builder for new riders and a barn favorite among all the students at Willow Lane. I had been asked by Mr. Mallen to work with her a few times when she had become barn sour from missing her paddock buddies, who she had become close to after being on a break from work after a close call with colic in the summer.

" Easy for you to say! " Noah snapped. " This horse is too bumpy! Why can't I just ride your horse? "

I sighed as I rolled my eyes. No matter how many times I explain things to Noah it seems like he never listens.

" You saw what happened to Maddy when she tried to ride Storm, and he actually likes her... " I reminded him. " Besides, I thought you said you've ridden horses before? "

" Ya, before, as in when I was younger, I haven't ridden since a few years ago " Noah replies. " How am I supposed to impress Maddy on this tiny thing? This is basically a kid's pony... "

" Would you stop complaining and just be thankful I agreed to coach you? Something I am really starting to regret " I click my tongue and Appy saunters forward, catching Noah off guard, who grips her mane to stay upright. " Appy's a better mount than you're giving her credit for, and she's a horse, not a pony... " I told him.

I could see Noah roll his eyes. " Right " he replies sarcastically. " Like this 'horse' can do anything more than just teach a bunch of snot-nosed kids how to not fall off... "

I bring Appy to a halt immediately and walk over to Noah. " Get off "

" What? "

" You heard me! "

He hesitated before slipping off the mares back. I snatch the reins from his hands and toss him the lunge line that I had unclipped from her bridle.

" You see that jump over there? " I motion to the four-foot oxer set up at the far end of the arena.

Noah nods slowly. " Ya, what about it? "

I shake my head as I adjust the stirrups and hoist myself onto Appy's back, a task that is much easier than mounting a horse like Storm or Bullet.

" Just shut up and watch " I press my legs to Appy's sides and she takes off at a brisk trot. She did have a bumpy trot because of her short stride, but her canter was as smooth as could be.

And her jump was why she was a barn favorite.

I pointed her at the oxer and her ears perked up immediately. She snorted as she found an extra spring in her step. Most horses her size seemed content with jumping smaller jumps, but Appy loved to jump big.

I moved into a two-point position, which had gotten considerably better since I had started riding with the team. It was one of the things I was really proud of myself for since coming to this school.

Appy raised her head as she took off right at the right moment. The jumps felt so much bigger when you jumped this mare, but at the same time, you really felt like you were flying.

We landed cleanly on the other side of the jump and I slowed her to a trot, bringing her back over to Noah, who was clearly speechless by the way his jaw hung slack and his eyes bulged like a bug.

I smirked as I dismounted and tossed him Appys reins.

" Are you ready to get back at it? " I asked as I unclipped my helmet.

He quickly recovered. " Ya, I guess "

I ran a hand through my hair as I rolled my eyes. " You know, you put on a good tough guy act. Honestly, I don't know how you haven't been expelled from campus yet "

He smirked.

" But you know Maddy will never agree to go out with you, even if you impress her with all this "

His smirk fell and he kicked at the ground. " Well, what do you know... "

" A lot more than you think " I replied. " Maddy's friend... " I smiled. " And I know that she isn't into the whole 'bad boy who acts like a jerk around his friends and acts almost ashamed to do anything even remotely nice when they're around' " I told him without fault. " And if you want Maddy, you're going to have to change that "

I stopped him before he could open his mouth to respond. " And don't give me that 'it's who I am' excuse because I don't think this really is you, Noah... "

He looked down and I ignored him as I clipped the lunge line back to Appys bridle. " Now, I can help you with this all you want, but until you change to who you really are, she'll never be your girlfriend "

As much as I knew it would hurt Noah to hear these things, I think it was best for him, and Maddy, if he lost the bad boy appearance and just became the real Noah. The Noah that I could see peeking out from behind the curtain. The Noah who may be afraid of his real self...

But if he really cared about Maddy, then he would do anything to prove it to her...

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