Chapter 44:

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Madison's pov

"Now... where is it?" I mutter, slowly searching the ground near the old willow tree.

The grass was tall and thick, so I knew the task at hand would be difficult. I didn't know what the charm bracelet looked like, but I don't think it mattered. How many people lose a charm bracelet at the back of a horses field anyway? Not a lot... However, as time ticks by, I begin to drag my feet and feel a hint of resignation. I really wanted I could find the bracelet for Ariel.

Just as I was about to give up, I hear the sound hoof beats. Glancing up, my jaw nearly drops. Noah approaches, riding one of the school horses, with Koda in tow. The horses looked relaxed as they made their way over to me. I was completely speechless.

"Milady" Noah says charmingly, with an amused smile.

I blink. "Huh?"

"Would you care to join? It just so happens that Koda here, followed me" he continues, glancing back at my gelding.

The bay looks half asleep, not caring that he was being pulled into one of Noah's stunts.

Shaking my head, I speak up. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your friends somewhere, up to no good?"

I take in his appearance, noticing that he's lost his silly leather jacket and wore more casual clothes.

Noah sighs. "Well if you give me a chance to explain, maybe it'll all make sense"

He looked sincere but I didn't trust him. "Like I said before, I don't want to play your games, and apart of that is listening to your excuses"

"I'm not here to make excuses, only to explain myself" he tries to reason.

We stare at each other before Noah breaks eye contact. "For goodness sake, can you just get on the horse?"

"Fine!" I said childishly, stomping over to Koda.

Noah passes me his reins and our hands briefly touch. Turning away, I place one foot in the stirrup and swing into the saddle. I try not to smile when I fully registered that Noah was riding a horse. Until I knew what his intentions were, I refused to give him to much attention. But as always, he made it hard for me to not laugh or smile.

Noah was annoying like that.

Although he makes me furious, he always turns around and does something spontaneous to please me. So while I wanted to hate him, I still really enjoyed his company. That alone, made me extremely frustrated.

"Lead the way" I muttered, fiddling with my reins.

Noah turns his horse and begins to go in the direction of the trails. Koda eagerly follows, excited at the prospect of a trail ride. I glance back at the old willow tree, feeling bad that I was ditching any attempt of finding Ariel's bracelet.

It took many minutes before I broke the silence.

"When did you finally decide to ride a horse again?" I ask, walking Koda next to Noah.

I notice his hesitance to speak, and for a moment I thought he wouldn't reply. "You'll probably laugh..."

"You said you'll explain what's going on... I promise I won't laugh" I said, curious as to why Noah became so secretive.

He looks at me, as if searching for any hint of a lie.

He sighs in resignation. "I guess I did say that... Well, if you want to know..."

"I do" I said immediately.

"Um, well after last week, I asked Ariel to give me riding lessons... She agreed, eventually, and put me on Appy" he explains, patting the mares neck.

I frown, not knowing how I felt about the new acquired information. "Why didn't you ask me?"

He glances away, and I spot a slight blush. "I didn't want to bother you?"

"That sounded more like a question then a statement, now can I get the truth?" I ask.

Noah goes quiet, appearing to be deep in thought. I sigh and look straight ahead. Koda's ear flickers back, and I could've sworn that he too, was interested in Noah's response. As we turn down a new part, he speaks again.

"I thought that maybe if I knew how to ride, you would..."

I remain quiet and stay patient.

" would maybe go on a date with me? I know, it's silly, I mean, why would you want to go on a date with me? Ahaha... Anyway, nevermind, forget I ever said-" Noah begins to laugh awkwardly.

"Let me get this straight" I said, cutting him off and halting Koda.

Noah halts Appy, and seems to brace himself for my response. "You got lessons from Ariel, so you could ask me out?"

"I guess so... yeah?" He winced.

"Then why did you avoid me?" I ask.

"Look, I don't know... You always seem to look right through me, so I got worried you would figure it out. It was a stupid idea anyway, just forget about it" he says, looking away.

"You're an idiot!" I state, shaking my head.

He grimaced. "I know, it was a stupid idea..."

I genuinely laugh. "I didn't mean it like that Noah, I meant that you're an idiot for worrying so much"

He goes silent.

"-I don't care if you can or cannot ride a horse, I just needed to know that you were being honest and upfront with me. So if you are, and this isn't some joke, I'd love to go out with you" I state.

This time, it takes Noah a minute to register my words before his eyes light up. "Still?"

"Yes, still" I roll my eyes.

His tense posture immediately relaxes and I receive a blinding smile. "You won't regret this, I promise!"

"I better not" I mutter.

He suddenly springs off of Appy and kneels. "In that case, will you go on a date with me, Madison Sinclair?"

I laugh for longer this time, amused by his over dramatised tone. "Yes, I will, but on one condition"

"Anything" he states.

"No more lying and avoiding me"

Noah nods quickly. "I promise, no more lies and avoiding"

I smile, satisfied with his response. "Good"

As he mounts Appy and settles into the saddle, I ask Koda to continue walking along the trail. For the first time this week, I can feel my frustration ease. With the clinic almost over and the Noah issue resolved, it took plenty of weight off my shoulders. But there was still the upcoming issue with fall break. Now that my parents were leaving us for the umpteenth time, what would Olivia do?

I knew she was just about at her wits end with our parents, it was just a matter of time before she finally snapped.

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