Chapter 21:

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Warning: This chapter contains graphic descriptions of blood and death caused by a horse riding accident. Those who are easily frightened or disturbed, or just don't like to read about graphic horse-related accidents should avoid this chapter entirely

Ariel's POV:

" That's amazing! "

I smiled as I looked over at Maddy. Her eyes were glued to the tv that sat on the small table in her dorm. We had been hanging out every day after school and lessons for the past week. Someday we would do homework, other days we would be too distracted with planning for the clinic or preparing for the show that we wouldn't even touch our textbooks and I would be up until way past midnight to keep up with my school work.

We were currently streaming some of my moms' old horse videos that I had managed to get downloaded onto my computer. Some videos of her training, some of the liberty work she did with her horses, like the jumping trick I hoped to recreate one day.

" ...What happened to your moms' horses after...? " Maddy trailed off. I could tell she was still uncomfortable talking with me about moms death, but the truth was, talking about more it made it easier to think about because it reminded me about all the good my mom had done before.

" We didn't want to sell them... " I explained, thinking back to moms two horses, Bean and Jaunty. Both were rescued off a meat truck along with several other horses my mom had been trusted to retrain and sell to good homes, but the two greys, one dappled and on flea-bitten, had formed a tight bond with each other, and then with mom. " But after mom died, money got too tight and we couldn't afford to keep them... " Whenever mom performed at the local rodeos or gave clinics at our farm, the two geldings were her go two. It was amazing watching how in sync the three were like they all knew what each other were thinking.

" Where did they go? "

I shrugged. " I'm not sure. Dad knows, but he's never told me. He probably thinks I would try to get them back...and he's right, I would try everything to buy them back... " I sighed. " Dad assured me that they're happy, but I know they would be happier if they were back home with us... "

We fell into a bit of an awkward silence for a few seconds before my phone chimed off.

I chuckled when I saw who it was from.


Of course

What're you up to? Excited to see who gets to be captain today?

I quickly sent a reply, smiling.

Just hanging with Maddy. Not that excited, I think it's just a title

He replied a few seconds later

Awe come on! You have to be at least a bit excited? ;)

I rolled my eyes

Nope, couldn't care less XD

I stole a glance at Maddy, who was looking down at her phone. I knew she had a huge crush on Jack, which is why I tried my hardest not to talk with him when we were together. She wouldn't say it, but I knew she was jealous.

She had nothing to worry about though, I considered Jack a friend, nothing more, nothing less.

" So, who do you think Mr. Mallen will pick to be captain? " I spoke up as I set my phone on the table, ignoring as it went off again.

She shrugged, standing up. " Not sure, it could really be anyone... " she stepped towards the door. " I'm gonna go get a soda from the kitchen, want anything? "

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