Chapter 39:

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Ariels POV:

" Are you ready boy? " I whispered to Storm.

The clinic was about to begin. Mr. Mallen was just addressing the crowd of people who had taken their seats in the arena. There were actually more people here than I thought there was going to be. I recognized the other equestrian students from Willow Lane, but there were also students here that I didn't recognize from the barn but from class or other events around campus.

I wouldn't be able to see my dad or sisters until Storm and I entered the arena since they were up in the skybox with Maddy and Olivia's parents. After the clinic, I planned to confront dad about our family history and why he felt like he had needed to hide it from me until I opened the box mom left.

'Don't focus on that now' I reminded myself. 'This is about the clinic. About you and Storm'

This was our chance to show everyone what we could really do. It was our chance to prove Mr. Müller wrong.

It was our first chance at doing what mom had done. The first step to becoming great like she was.

I smiled as I thought of her, making my nerves slip away as I thought back to when I was a kid, standing at the side of the arena with dad while mom wowed the crowds with her connection to horses.

Now it was up to me to keep her legacy going.

" You ready? "

I turned and smiled at Maddy, nodding.

" I am... "

When Mr. Mallen extended his hand towards the entrance to the arena, I started walking forward, Storm following by my side. He was tackless, not even a halter was on him.

I trusted that he wouldn't act up

This was his element.

Our Element.

A silence fell over the crowd in the stands and as I stood in the center of the ring, Mr. Mallen handed me the small earpiece that doubled as a microphone, smiling at me for a silent encouragement.

I took a breath and watched as he left the arena before speaking.

" Welcome everyone. I'm so glad to be staring at a full house instead of empty stands today "

A few chuckles throughout the crowd helped break the silence.

" My name is Ariel Whitman, but I know most of the students here know me as 'that horse whispering girl' or 'the girl who talks to horses' "

More laughter.

I smiled. " True, horse whispering is the term used, but what is really going on is a magical process of listening, and not just me listening to the horses, but them listening to me "

Almost losing my train of thought, I took a pause, putting a hand on Storms shoulder to calm myself before continuing.

" I listen to the horses, let them tell me what's wrong and help them. In turn, the horses then trust and listen to me " I moved to Storms side and tapped his leg with my boot. I smiled to myself as a few gasps escape the crowd when Storm lowered himself to the ground, allowing me to climb onto his back.

" Storm here is a great example " I clicked my tongue and Storm marched forward, around the arena. " He suffered a terrible accident in his past that resulted in him losing his rider and being abandoned, left to be sold to kill buyers and transported on a small meat truck to meet his end. Luckily, we found each other, and after months of listening to him, watching him, he started to trust me, and now... "

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