Chapter 4:

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Madison's pov

"-and then he just asks this new girl in grade 9 what I should do with my horse" Olivia rants angrily.

"It was, it was so-" Olivia stutters to find words.

"Embarrassing?" I ask, raising my eye brows at my scowling sister.

"I will not be embarrassed by that parasite. It was just annoying Madi" she snaps, her cheeks reddening.

"You'll have to put her in her place Olivia" one of her friends comment.

"I don't need to do anything, she'll ruin herself, did you see the clothes she was wearing? But if I see her one more time today, I'll loose it" Olivia cruel laugh echoes through the barn.

Gold, Olivia's horse, raises his head up from his current snoozing position. The gelding loved Olivia, and even if Olivia didn't show it around others, she loved him. Both of them were perfect for one another as they carried the same traits. Both were extremely intelligent, skilled and flawless when completing tasks. However both of them were also hyperactive, so when that phone rung in the arena, I wasn't surprised that Gold spooked. Olivia was like her horse, with excessive amounts of energy. It also made her overthink people's miner faults and flaws. Hence why she was quick to get angry at that student earlier, as well as Ariel.

"Watch out Olivia, she might start whispering to your horse" one of her friends giggle.

"God help me if she does, because there's no way in hell I'm tolerating that" Olivia rolls her eyes dramatically and all the girls start to laugh again.

Olivia swaps what brushes she's using and continues grooming Gold, as well as gossiping. The orientation meeting ended a couple minutes ago and there hasn't been much going on since. We all had the rest of the evening to settle in or go riding. I wasn't planning on sticking around to hear Olivia rant, so I settled for going on a ride.

"And where are you going?" Olivia calls as I begin to walk away, hoping she wouldn't notice.

"I'm taking Koda out" I said slowly.

"We'll come, right girls?" Olivia says, inviting herself and her friends.

I suppress a groan and give her a weak smile. I hated going out riding with the girls, they always had something to say about someone at school. The only time Olivia wasn't like that was when it was just her and I trail riding together. She eases up and relaxes completely, it was her way of meditating.

Walking to Koda's stall, I spot Ariel with an outreached hand. She looked to be trying to get Koda's trust by letting him sniff her. When he ignores her and continue eating, I almost laugh. Koda had no decency to at least look interested in other people. He only perked up when I was around, probably because we spend countless hours with each other everyday.

"Don't take offence, Koda can be a little ignorant at times" I said, causing Ariel to jump in fright.

Koda's head shoots up when he hears me and is at his stall door within seconds. I pet the gelding before offering him another treat. In my peripheral vision, I see Ariel smile slightly.

"He likes you a lot, doesn't he?" Ariel's comment sounds more like an observation then a question. 

"Yeah I guess, but then again I do feed, water, groom, ride and clean his stalls" I said.

I try to ignore the shocked look on her face, I knew would she probably mistaken me for a rich spoiled teen that doesn't take care of her horse. I don't blame her for thinking that, after all, my sister is quite the diva.

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