Chapter 15:

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Ariel's POV:

" Okay...Okay just...just lean forward a bit more! Not that much! "

" Whoa! " I gasped as my shoulder hit the ground at Storm's hooves. I roll onto my back and crack my eyes open. Storm tilts his head and sniffs at my face as if trying to say 'Hey, how'd you get down there?'

I hear footsteps approaching me and I sit up, looking at Madison. She offers me her hand and I gladly take it, wiping grass and dirt from my breeches, well, Maddy's breeches she had let me borrow since I didn't have any of my own. I didn't understand why I couldn't ride in my jeans and paddock boots, but Madison had explained that they would help me stick in the saddle better. Then she had told me to stand forward and out of the saddle, which just made me even more confused.

I gathered Storms reins and tapped his foreleg with my boot. He bowed down, allowing me to easily climb back onto his back.

" Okay, first, you need to teach me and Koda how to do that " Maddy smiled. " Secondly, probably not a good idea to do that with a bridle, just in case his legs get tangled in the reins and third, in a two-point over a jump, you need to lean back when your horse lands or else you'll end up on the ground... "

" No kidding... " I mumble as I rub my shoulder. " Why do I need to lean forward anyway? Isn't it just as fine standing up? "

She shook her head. " No, when you jump you always follow the shape of your horses back. Leaning forward allows Storm to shift his weight over the jump and helps not only his balance and yours as well " she explained.

I still felt confused but decided to try again. This time I made sure to lean back when Storm landed on the other side of the log jump.

" That was better! " Maddy praised as she walked over to us. " Want to work on some dressage? "

I nodded, more nervous for this than anything. I didn't think Storm would take too well to keeping his head in the position needed when riding dressage. Actually, I don't think Storm would be okay with anything involving dressage.

My thoughts were proven true when Storm bucked me off the second I tried to direct him into the 'on the bit' position Maddy had Koda doing earlier.

" I gotta hand it to you... " She told me as she helped me up again. " You sure can take a fall "

I raised a brow and she shook her head. " That came out wrong. What I meant to say was that you seem to have no fear "

I smiled. " Thanks. I guess I've been working with troubled horses like Storm for so long that it doesn't faze me to fall or get bucked off "

" That's not a bad trait to have " Maddy giggled. " But the judges won't take too kindly to Storm bucking you off during a dressage test, or really, any part of an eventing show...or any show... "

" I get it... " I giggled.

" ...Why don't you let me try riding Storm? "

I froze, looking down at Storm, who munched happily on the grass.

"'re a skilled rider, but Storm is...he's a completely different horse when someone else rides him or even handles him...I mean, there is a reason I named him Storm... "

She didn't seem fazed. " Give me a chance Ariel " she replied. " Storm and I may surprise you... "

'I doubt that' I wanted to say, but kept to myself. I knew my horse. It was nothing against Maddy and it was nothing against Storm, but I knew this would only end one way...

I sighed and reluctantly handed over the reins, backing away as Maddy circled Storm.

Storm looked at me, ears perked as he whinnied.

" Be a good boy... " I whispered. " ...Please... "

But of course, Storm decided not to listen...

Maddy didn't even get a chance to put a foot in the stirrup, the second she lifted her leg Storm balked, tugging her along. She tried multiple times and eventually I had to come to hold Storm and keep him calm while she got herself settled in the saddle.

It went even more downhill from there.

Maddy barely lasted more than a minute. Storm started off with bucking, crow-hopping, and crab-stepping. When that didn't work he moved on to rearing and I was afraid he may fall over backward and land on Maddy, but she was still in his saddle. Storm seemed to have had enough and he took off, bucking and rearing. He held his head down, held the bit between his teeth and yanked the reins from her hands, even from her gloved hands. Without the reins, Maddy only had Storms mane to keep herself balanced. She lost one stirrup at a time until Storm gave a final big buck and she went flying over his head, landing roughly on the ground, with Storm galloping as fast as he could in the opposite direction.

I ran over to Maddy quickly. " Are you okay? "

She unclipped her helmet and nodded. " Ya, I think so... " she shook her head. " Just give me a second to stop my mind from spinning... "

I nodded, standing and looking for Storm. I finally spotted in on the far side of the warm-up area, munching on grass as if nothing had happened.

I whistled loudly and he trotted over to me, nudging my stomach. I could hear Madison stand up behind me and Storm flattened his ears, snorting.

I rubbed his face gently. " It's okay won't happen's over... " I whispered to him. I felt his soft breath against my shirt, his sides heaving from the stress and exertion of his freakout.

" Well, you weren't kidding... " She spoke as she brushed dirt from her breeches. " He's like a Storm in a bottle... "

Her tone didn't sound friendly anymore and for a moment, I was worried that this would end up ruining our newly formed friendship.

I was about to ask when I was cut off.

" Wow... "

Maddy and I both turned to see two guys standing at the fenceline. I knew one was Jack, but the other guy I didn't recognize. I was guessing he wasn't a horse person though, by the way, he wore ripped jeans, biker boots, and a leather jacket.

" Great, of all the people who had to have seen that, why did it have to be Jack and Noah... " I saw Maddy blush as she slowly walked over to them.

Jack smiled and waved at me and I waved back, but I didn't have time to chat. Storm was now more worked up than he had been, and if I was really going to be considered for the show team by Mr. Mallen, we both needed to be at our best, or as best as we could give this time.

Storm stood calmly as I adjusted my stirrups and remounted him, going back to practicing our jumping position over the log jumps.

I wasn't thinking that I would end up on the team anyway, but it wasn't like I could say no to Mr. Mallen.

Plus, at the end of the day, at least Storm and I could say we tried...

That was all that really mattered

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