Chapter 14:

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Madison's pov

The starting whistle had Koda and I rearing to go. Not literally, but you get the point. It was stage two of tryouts and we had cross country. My adrenaline was pumping and I could feel Koda's excitement to perform.

Being a well rounded pair, Koda and I didn't fall down in any disciplines like others. It's what got us so far in competing. My sister always made sure I was giving clean performances. Perhaps I could go faster in show jumping and practice dressage with Olivia more. But I was already happy with our performance, we were always in the top four. I didn't see the point in pushing Koda just yet, it was unnecessary.

I admit, I can have a competitive side, but nothing crazy. Unlike some riders I know, I'm happy with what I have. Everyone lately has been having stare downs in class and in the barns. With all the captain titles up for grabs, a lot of people are going over the top. Not even my sister is that crazy. It's not as though being the captain makes them our supreme leader. It's more of a supporting role, however many people are blowing it out of proportion. It's ridiculous!

In saying that, I was hoping Jack would get it. He's wanted the role for ages, and he deserves it. Not only is he a good rider, but a good person. He's approachable, so I don't see why he shouldn't get the position.

"Name" a senior asks me as I arrive at the starting box.

"Madison Samuels" I answer.

While she finds my name to tick off, my gaze wonders towards the course. If I had to choose my favourite discipline, it would be cross country. What could be better then racing through the trails and over the jumps? Koda and I always made good times in this event. Since there were plenty of long stretches, I could improve my time easily. Koda's ground covering strides helped majorly. We were definitely a good pair after all those long hours of practice.

"Okay, you can head to the start box after the next rider has gone" the senior says, finally finding my name.

Nodding, I walk an eager Koda towards the start box. As the rider before me takes off, I quickly take their previous place. I could feel Koda tense up in anticipation. Mr Mallen and some students where close by. So as soon as that whistle was blown, my time started.

I gather my reins just before I'm given a count down.

When the whistle blows, Koda and I launch forwards.

With the first jump looming ahead, I took a deep breath and enjoyed the moment when we sailed over the fence. As we landed softly, we race past the crowd of cheering students and into the wooded area. The narrow path had trees circling over head, providing a more enclosed feeling. That alone was a good test for the more spooky horses.

Along the pathway, we jump various fences. My watch indicated to me that we were making good time. Then, as we leave the narrow path and go back into the open, I spot the next combination I had to jump. One after another, Koda cleared all the obstacles with ease. I was having so much fun, that when the finish line came into sight, I barely realised it.

Students cheered yet again as I pass the finish line and bring Koda to a trot. My face was hurting from how much I smiled. I wanted to do the course all over again, but Koda was tired and deserved a break. I knew he would try his heart out any day, but as of now I was going to hose him down. As I dismount, Ariel rushes towards me with a panic stricken face. I start to worry and look over Koda, did he hurt himself while I was riding and I didn't notice?!

"What's wrong with you?" I ask when she reaches me and I see that Koda's fine.

"Mr. Mallen wants me to tack up Storm and meet him after tryouts today! He said something else but I'm so confused. Why am I being singled out?!" Ariel asks in a panic.

I feel myself immediately relax when I hear that nothing bad has happened.

"Seriously Maddy, what if I get kicked out of Willow Lane, it's literally the first week" Ariel stresses.

Okay, maybe that is a little bad...

"Follow me" I said, walking Koda towards the busy barn.

Ariel keeps glancing at me expectantly as we walk in silence. I honestly didn't know an answer but I was trying to think up one. By the time I reached Koda's stall, I had a lightbulb moment.

"Was that after you helped that horse in warm up today?" I ask.


"Maybe he just wants to see how good you are at riding... maybe he'll offer you a spot on one of our riding teams..." I said, a grin already forming itself on my face.

"He did say something about eventing..." Ariel trails off.

"-this is bad, very, very bad!" Ariel suddenly says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"I literally know nothing about dressage, Storm and I make it over fences but not it style, so how could I be on your team?" Ariel panicked.

"If you want, I could give you a quick lesson before my show jumping round? I'm more then happy to help" I finally say.

"I guess so..." Ariel trails off, with a skeptical look on her face.

"Okay, while I cool down Koda, you get Storm ready. We'll just go over the basics, so that'll consist of some dressage patterns and you practicing the correct jumping position" I explain while loosening Koda's girth.

"Okay..." Ariel looks at Storm but stays in place, looking to be in deep thought.

"Look, I know it's a lot and I can't imagine the pressure you feel right now. But I think you'll be great, so don't doubt your abilities and open your mind. Be excited! The possibility of you being on our team is high, I've seen you ride. All you need to do is brush up on some things. But as long as you trust Storm, which I know you do, you'll be fine!" I said, not noticing that one of the teachers were ears dropping.

"Really?" Ariel asks, surprised.

"Positive, now go get that horse ready!" I said shooing her away.

"Yes ma'am" she salutes before running of to the tack room.

I could feel Koda giving me a sooky look.

I laugh and give him a long hug.

"Don't worry buddy, I haven't forgotten about you" I giggle, before resuming to cooling him down.

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