Chapter 5:

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Ariel's POV:

The sun blared through my dorm window at around 7 am. I groaned as I rolled over in my bed, realizing I had forgotten to put down the blinds before I went to sleep last night.

My first day at Willow Lane had been a good and bad mix. Olivia had gone off at me after the riders orientation meeting and it seemed like now everyone was purposefully avoiding me, probably afraid Olivia would put them on her hit list as well.

Only one person had spoken to me (nicely) and that had been Madison. She even invited me to go on a trail ride with her, which I had agreed to. The trail ride itself though had been awkward. Madison had tried to talk about my mom, which I was less than willing to answer her questions. I actually felt bad because I had shut her down so quickly, but talking about my mom was painful enough with my family, nevermind someone that I had just met.

I think I had ruined any chances I had of being friends with her because we didn't get very far from the stables before Madison told me she had to go back.

After that I had spent some time with Storm in his stall, just sitting in a pile of sawdust, watching him eat his hay like I usually did at home. I could watch him for hours, just enjoying the bond we had formed.

I sat up, now wide awake thanks to the blaring sun. It was an unusually warm day for the end of the summer, but I wasn't complaining.

It was the perfect weather for riding.

As I got changed into an oversized t-shirt, worn jeans and my boots, my eyes wandered over to the paddock that was closest to the stables. Grooms were starting to put the horses out for their morning graze and-

I suddenly froze. All the horses would be going out...including Storm. A groom would be taking him outside.

Not good!

Tripping over myself as I put my other boot on, I swung open my door and ran for the door that led outside, even though running in the halls was against the rules, nobody else seemed to be up anyway.

As I pushed open the door I started running faster towards the stables, praying that a groom hadn't taken Storm out of his stall yet. My prayers were smacked down when I saw Storm charging out of the barn, with a few of the stable hands chasing after him.

Not good!

" Storm! " I called, my heart skipping a beat when I saw he was running towards the driveway. " Storm! "

I saw Storms ears flick back and he turned on a dime and now galloped towards me. I slid to a stop and put my hands up. Storm jumped over the small garden that divided the cobblestone pathway with the gravel that led to the stable.

Well, to me it was a jump, to a trained eye it may have looked like Storm practically just threw himself over the garden.

" Whoa! Whoa! " I spoke as Storm skidded to a stop and reared up, whinnying loudly.

" It's okay! " I told him. "You're okay! I'm here! I'm right here! " I backed up slightly to avoid getting hit by his front hooves as he came down from his rearing fit. " I didn't leave you, I promise... " I gently reached out to touch his face. " I'm still here for you... " I lowered my voice to a whisper.

Storm breathed heavily, his nostrils flared.

I gently ran my hand down the scar on his neck and shoulder. " It's okay Storm... "

" Well, that was...unexpected... "

I bit my lip as I turned slowly, feeling my face flush red when I saw Mr. Mallen and the three stablehands standing a few feet away. One of the stablehands was holding Storms halter and a lead rope.

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