Chapter 18:

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Madison's pov

I couldn't believe my eyes this morning. I was officially on the intermediate team! Ariel, Jack, Amelia and three others were my new teammates. When I checked my emails this morning, I could barely believe my eyes. Olivia was obviously happy and barely let me out of her sight.

By the time classes were over, I bolted to my dorm room to get ready. Within minutes I was changed and rushing to the barn. Ariel and I agreed to tack up together before the lesson. She was also over the moon this morning, even after being scolded by a teacher for being late to class.

It seems Ariel and I thought alike, because she arrives at Storm's stall as I arrive at Koda's.

"Can you believe it?!" She says with a true smile

I squeal excitedly "I can! You're deserve it. Wow, this year is going to be incredible"

The two of us race to brush down our geldings before retrieving tack. My smile doesn't fade as I rummage through my messy tack trunk. When I find Koda's breastplate, I spot a spare one I got earlier in the year. Unfortunately it was a little to big for Koda. Then, an idea pops into my head.

"Hey Ariel, I've got some gear I've been meaning to give away. Is their anything you need?" I ask, pulling random stuff out that I barely use.

Ariel glances over at me with uncertainty.

"You'll be doing me a favour, I just want it gone so I'm not hoarding stuff I don't need" I beg.

"Uh sure? I'll have a look after the lesson, just put what ever you're not using on my tack trunk" she says before continuing to brush a fidgeting Storm.

"Thanks" I beam.

I pull out a couple saddle pads, some boots that were a little to big for Koda, and that breastplate. I knew that what ever Ariel took would look stunning on Storm, I almost felt jealous that I couldn't use it on Koda. But I'm glad to be giving it to a friend, and not a snobby Willow Lane rider.

As I drop the gear onto Ariel's tack trunk, she raises her eye brows at me.

"Some of those things are still in packaging or have tags on them" Ariel observes.

"My parents are always busy, so instead of asking what size Koda's tack is, they just guesstimate" I mutter as I sweep a brush over Koda's tack.

Just like what they do with everything else. Guesstimate and never ask. Or just get one of their employees to shop for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the presents they shower me in, but it's really frustrating sometimes.

I prefer having a family dinner over gifts any day. But a girl can only dream. When ever my mom is free of her working duties, she's either visiting dad or on a holiday with him. He does the exact same as well, I rarely see him at all. My parents seem to be so caught up with each other, that it's like Olivia and I don't exist.

Ariel tosses me an empathetic look, like she knows exactly what I meant. I was happy she didn't prod any further. My parents are a touchy topic for me, sometimes it feels as though they're not here at all...

As I finish grooming Koda, I put on his all purpose gear and a breastplate. We haven't been told what we're working on today, hence why I got my all purpose gear out. I was hoping for some dressage AND jumping. My major love for eventing had me wanting to do all three phases.

As I put helmet on, I look over at Ariel.

"You ready?"

She releases a nervous laugh.

"I guess so"


"Good afternoon everyone" Mr. Mallen chirps, ignoring all our nervous expressions.

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