Chapter 19:

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Ariels POV:

" Come on Koda! What's up boy? "

I glance over from my place on Storms back, watching as Maddy struggled to get Koda to move forward into a canter. The bay gelding shook his head and strained against the bit, stumbling backward and almost running his butt into the arena wall.

" Whoa...Steady... " I calmed Storm as he fed off of Koda's energy.

Maddy and I had been warming up to practice what I wanted to go over for the clinic that was edging ever closer to becoming a reality. I was riding Storm tackless and Maddy had insisted riding bareback, something she was getting much better at. Soon she would even be able to try riding with a halter and lead rope instead of a bridle.

But one step at a time.

With lessons, preparing for the clinic and keeping up with school work and my work with other horses around the stable, Maddy and I hadn't had almost any time to spend together just hanging out, hence why we decided to meet up an hour before our lesson to ride together.

I clucked Storm on and he trotted over to Koda just as Maddy dismounted, shaking her head.

" I don't know what's going on with him today... " She sighed. " Maybe he's just not feeling the bareback ride today... "

I dismounted Storm and stood in front of Koda, gently rubbing his face. " It's okay boy... " I ran a hand over his cheek and under his chin. His ears perked forward and he blew out a breath, chewing the bit.

I looked at Maddy, who still seemed frustrated. I knew she was under just as much pressure as I was, especially when Olivia knew she was going to be a part of my clinic. I had heard them talking in the tack room when I arrived at the barn, well, more like Olivia was talking and Maddy was listening.

" This whole clinic thing is so stupid. Nobody needs to know this 'horse whispering' nonsense for what we ride at Willow Lane " Olivia had sighed. " But if you so hung up on being a part of it, just try not to embarrass the family. The worst thing would be getting told what to do by that Ariel try to show her up like you should be running the clinic, not her! "

When Maddy had been warming up after that, I noticed that her whole body seemed tense and rigid, something Koda was picking up on since he and Maddy were so connected.

" I want to try something... " I spoke softly, looking over at her.

She raised a brow as I took Koda's bridle off, handing it to her. Looking into the geldings eyes, I made sure to keep my mind and body calm and relaxed. Turning my back to him, I whistled to Storm, who came trotting over. I tapped his foreleg, watching as he slowly laid down, then turned to Maddy.

" Hop on "

I knew that after her last ride on Storm, she was wary about riding him again, especially bareback, but Storm was a different horse when you rode him tackless because his rider was essentially helpless and less controlling, putting all their trust in Storm.

Mady approached Storm hesitantly. " Are...Are you sure? "

I smiled and nodded. " Trust me, and trust Storm... "

She nodded in return and cautiously settled herself onto Storms back.

" Now Relax and hold his mane... " I instructed.

Maddy did what I said, taking a breath as she took hold of a chunk of Storms black hair.

" Now clicked your tongue... "

As soon as she did, Storm stood up and I could see Maddy's expression change from fear to excitement.

I turned and noticed Koda watching. Walking over, I hoisted myself onto his back.

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