Chapter 28:

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Madisons pov

As Ariel and Jack went out of sight, I race off to the barn with Koda in tow. So far everything was going to plan, well almost. Even though I was caught off guard when Ariel kissed Jack, I almost jumped with joy as Koda passed me a phone. It wasn't the usual one Jack used, that one was protected by a phone case. This one was a simple black phone.

'Can that boy get anymore cliche?' I thought to myself.

I lead Koda towards the back of the barn and sit on the stairs which go to the loft. Koda stands by patiently, watching me with perked ears. He wasn't bothered by any of todays occurrences. He'd rather nap or watch me curiously.

With a lead line in one hand and a phone in the other, I double check that no one was around. Everyone seemed to be outside competing, or supporting their teammates.

As I swipe to open Jack's phone, I'm blocked. He had a password.

'Doesn't everyone' a voice snickered in the back of my head.

My mind comes up blank, I honestly didn't expected to get this far. After typing in a couple passwords, I have no luck. On my last attempt, I write Bullet.


Now that's just insulting, why wouldn't you have your horses name as a password.

'Because he's hiding something and your ideas are unoriginal' there goes the sarcastic side on my subconscience again.

Am I the only one who has mini conversations in my head?

When I bring myself back to reality, I find that I'm locked out for a whole minute. Every minute that I wasted, was a minute closer to Jack finding out his phone was missing. Tapping my foot nervously, I wait for the minute to be over.

As it comes to an end, I keep guessing.

Once again I'm locked out, if I get locked out any longer then it'll be hours until I can try again. Then Jack will know someone tried getting into his phone. It would be a catastrophe.

'Come on Maddy, think! What would be the password?!' I think.

An idea finally pops into my head. What if its Jack's birthday? A little obvious if you ask me but I give it a go.

"Ah hah! Gotcha!" I said loudly.

I could barely believe my eyes as the phone opens. It takes me a couple seconds to regain my composure. I was thoroughly offended that Bullet wasn't his password, but I let it slide. This wasn't the time to let my mind wonder.

Taking a deep breath, I click on the messages icon. As it opens, I see two familiar numbers. Since I was terrible memorizing contacts, I couldn't identify them.

As I click on the first number, my heart sinks.


I blew out a breath as I walked Koda to his stall to tack him up. I wanted to be gone well before Jack came back. Should I feel guilty that I wasn't guilty?

Koda began to be more alert as he realised I was tacking him up. We weren't up for a while, but I knew Koda wouldn't care if we walked around for a bit. I didn't want to see how Jack reacts when he finds his phone on the floor. Either he would believe he dropped it, or he wouldn't.

I specifically retraced Jack's steps and planted his phone on the ground. It was along the path near Bullet's stall, so he should see it when he comes back. I just hoped it was believable.

I quickly rush and put on Koda's tack. He was already gleaming so there was no need to brush him extensively. I almost throw his halter in his stall as I quickly rush to leave the barn.

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