Chapter 42:

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Madison's pov

It was a hard question to answer when dozens of eyes were peering a me. It was even harder when my parents watched with crossed arms. To add more pressure, Noah was here as well. When I first noticed him, I couldn't help but to smile. Was he here for me? It was hard to stay angry at him for the radio silence.

Shaking my head, I fake a smile and speak up. "Well, I find that Koda can get excited when we're jumping. Usually I just sit quietly and regain his attention, but it can be dangerous when we're on a cross country course"

Ariel nods her head and turns to the next rider. Once she reaches Olivia, I nearly roll my eyes at her bored expression and short response. "Gold can be spooky sometimes"

Yeah, that was a huge understatement... Gold was use to crowds at shows, but phones and unfamiliar noises always bothered the chestnut. It didn't help that Olivia was just as reactive. Both of them are sensitive, which is good and bad for their partnership.

As Ariel begins speaking to the crowd again, I glance at my parents. Mom watched Ariel apprehensively while my dad now had his eyes locked on his phone. It bothered me, but not as much as my sister who pretended she didn't care. I notice him say something to my mom before retreating from the crowd. Another phone call that couldn't wait assumed.
When Ariel turned back to us, she begins with Odin's rider.
"That went better then expected" Ariel says.

The two of us had been sitting outside our stalls, eating lunch before the next part of Ariel's clinic.

I nudge her with my elbow and grin. "Promise me something, when you become a world famous horse trainer, remember me"

She laughs and shakes her head. "Don't be ridiculous, I doubt anyone will remember who I am by next week"

I roll my eyes. "You're all over social media, everyone's posting about your clinic. They think you're great"

Storm throws his head up suddenly. "And Storm of course"

"What about you? You and Koda made heaps of progress" Ariel recites.

I laugh. "Really? I was freaking out the whole time. Koda had my back though"

Ariel snickers. "Who's the modest one now?"

I shrug and pet Koda, who's head was hanging over the stall door.

"But seriously, even if you were nervous, you really pulled it together while riding" she adds.

"Thanks Ari" I said before taking a massive bite out of my sandwich.

Koda wasn't the only one who loved eating like an elephant. I knew Ariel was silently laughing at me. It was my third sandwich this morning. A girls gotta eat when a girls gotta eat. What else could I say? Even if I'm a nervous wreck, my appetite never disappears.

As I finish my sandwich, I watch Ariel stare down at her apple.

She catches me staring and raises her eye brows. "What?"

I look between her and the apple. "You gunna eat that?"

She mutters something under her breath and passes it to me. "Cheers"

Ariel grins as I'm about to bite the apple. "You eat more then a horse"

I pause. "I do not-"

"Ariel, you don't mind if I have a moment with my daughter"

Both of us stand when we spot my mom approaching. As always, she looked like a business tyrant. Her hair was tied back with not one stray strand. Nothing about her gave away that she was a mother.

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