Chapter 29:

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Ariel's POV:

" Good boy Storm! "

I praised my black gelding as he rose up on his haunches right as I told him to. We were warming up for our final event of the day, show jumping and I couldn't be more nervous. After a disaster of a dressage performance, Storm had managed to pull through for me and we completed a near perfect cross-country round, according to Maddy. We still weren't anywhere near the top of the class, but if all went well in the show-jumping round, Storm and I could be ending our first show in the top ten!

I had to say I felt more focused than I had before, even with the news that Jack was the person who had been threatening us. Storm was following all my cues and seemed totally on the ball for the last event of the day.

As I slowed Storm to a trot and finally a walk, I spotted Jack watching me from across the arena. It was hard to look at him the same way, pretend like I was totally oblivious to what he had been doing, especially now that I had kissed him.

I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of the kiss. It was my first kiss and I wish it could have been sincere and with someone I thought could end up being my boyfriend, not using it as a form of distraction to spy on a fellow rider who it turns out had been trying to hurt me and my horse.

I saw Maddy walk over and stand beside Jack, waving at me. I waved back as I walked Storm over. " Hey! "

" How's the warmup going? "

" Storm looks good " Jack cut in, making Maddy roll her eyes when he wasn't looking.

I rubbed Storms neck. " He seems ready to go...I think we're up next... " I kept my voice cool and confident, hoping to drive some of that energy into Storm. The last thing we needed was to have another incident like this morning.

" That was Addison Chaley on Sunny Skies! " The announcers' voice crackled over the speakers set up around the arena. " With a time of 27.756 and one fault! "

Jack whistled. " That was a good time... "

I nodded quickly. The maximum time for this 6 jump course was 30 seconds, but time wasn't a problem for Storm, knocking jumps were.

" Next up we have Ariel Whitman on Lightning Storm! "

Before I could take Storm into the arena, Jack stopped me. He held up a camera. " How about I tape your round? Lots of riders do it, it could be useful to watch for the future "

I was hesitant. If I said no, he would question why and I was a terrible liar. He would figure out something was wrong when I mumbled through a poor excuse before rushing off to the arena.

I sighed quietly to myself, forcing a smile. " ...Sure! Why not "

Jack smiled. " Good luck out there! "

I nodded, gathering my reins. Storm trotted into the arena, which was packed with spectators, parents and other riders. Bringing Storm to a halt, I saluted the jumping judges. Storm chewed at the bit and snorted.

He was ready!

I let Storm break into a canter, circling around the arena before the bell started. Eyeing the first jump, a vertical (Thank you, Maddy, for teaching me the types of show jumps!) I held my body up in a two-point. Storm jumped the fence like he had done it a thousand times before.

I couldn't help but smile. Storm was really trying his best this time around.

We soared over the second oxer and Storm shook his head. He wanted to go faster. I held him back, counting down strides in my head as we made our way towards the double combination, consisting of a vertical first and then an oxer second. As Storm got closer and closer to the jumps, my eyes wandered towards the fenceline at the end of the arena. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Noah and Jack were fighting!

How was Noah even here!?

Maddy was trying to break the boys apart and I squinted to see that they were fighting for control fo the camera Jack had been recording me with.

What had just happened?

I suddenly gasped as Storm turned on a dime, sending me flying around his neck, scrambling for purchase. Storm reared up, whinnying loudly as I was left hanging off his neck.

" Easy boy! " I tried to calm him, but at this point, I knew it wasn't going to matter.

The Storm was awakened.

I lost my grip on Storms neck, falling on my back into the dirt. I rolled out of the way just as Storms forelegs came crashing down.

Storm backed away, pawing the ground, his ears flat against his head.

I removed my helmet and raised my hands up. " Hey! Hey! " I spoke up. It's okay boy! It's okay! "

Before I could even take a step towards him, Storm took off at a gallop. He galloped around the ring, knocking down jump standards and almost running over the show hands that tried to stop him.

People were panicked, wondering what Storm would do next.

" Storm! " I called after him as he made a b-line towards the arena fence. People who had been watching from the sidelines ran in all directions as Storm showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. The fence was tall, probably five feet in height and I suddenly had a horrible image of Storm crashing through the fence show up in my brain.

I couldn't help but close my eyes as I heard the crowd gasp...

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the fence remained untouched and Storm was galloping away, circling around as he arched his neck and kept his ears pinned against his head.

I ran over to Maddy, who seemed in shock.

" Did you see him clear that fence!? "

" Catch Storm first! Talk later! " I spoke as we ran over to the black gelding.

Storm halted on the spot, stomping the ground with his hoof.

" Easy's okay... " I held my hands up as I removed my helmet. " Look at me boy...I'm here...I won't hurt you... "

Storm snorted and lowered his head, sniffing at the ground. It was almost as if he now felt guilty about what he had done. I grabbed his dangling reins and rubbed his neck.

I felt my face heat up and I was sure it was during red as I glanced around at all the people staring at us.

" This couldn't have gone any worse... " I mumbled to Maddy.

Spoken too soon.

I watched as a judge made his way towards us. " This horse wouldn't happen to be Lightning Striker would he? " he asked, his voice stern.

I struggle to answer. Should I say yes? Or no? What would happen if I did either?

I judge raised a brow and I slowly stuttered out a yes.

He nodded. " I thought as much...I've seen this type of dangerous behavior from this horse before, and I feel as though he is too dangerous to have around other horses and riders... "

Where was he going with this?

The judge sighed. " I'm going to have a request to ban this horse from future shows and clinics... "

My eyes widened. If Storm got banned, then not only would I not be able to show with him again, we wouldn't be able to do the liberty clinic before fall break!

As the judge walked away, I tugged Storms reins and we both walked with our head held down low.

Turns out this day could get worse, and it just did...

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