Chapter 23:

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Ariels POV:

" Where are we going Maddy? " I shivered at the early morning chill as Maddy forcible dragged me along a frost covered cobblestone path. She had showed up at my dorm waaay to early for a Wednesday morning and instructed me to get dressed and follow her. Once we had gotten outside she had grabbed my wrist and told me to keep my head down.

I already had a feeling of where she was taking me, but I didn't want it to be true.

The unknown number had been tormenting me for the past few days, sending me nasty messages that seemed so bipolar I didn't know if this person was jealous of me or scared of Storm, maybe both?

Unknown: You don't deserve a horse like him

Unknown: That horse will kill you one day, and I'll say I told you so

Unknown: Riding off your moms game won't do you any better watch out

Unknown: That horse should've stayed on the meat truck

It was starting to become overwhelming, so much so that I had been forgetting to do homework and skipping my lessons.

Mr. Mallen had emailed me yesterday asking if I could talk with him about my absence in lessons, but I had immediately deleted the message.

" Just trust me! " Maddy's voice brought me back to the present.

I sighed and kept my head down, recognizing the familiar stone flooring of the barn and the chorus of familiar nickers that greeted riders.

Ignoring Maddy's instructions, I looked up, seeing Storm and Koda cross tied in the aisle way.

I pulled my wrist from Maddy's grip and shook my head. " Why'd you bring me here Maddy? "

She stopped and turned to me. " You and Storm have to get back to the way things were. Forget about some stupid video! "

" A video where Storm got his rider killed! "

" It was an accident Ariel! " Maddy froze and looked around at the other horses and riders who were starting to look our way. She shook her head as she unclipped Koda and tossed me Storms lead line. " Indoor arena, now! "

I rolled my eyes. " You know, just because you're team captain doesn't mean you can boss me around all the time "

" Just follow...please? "

I sighed, not even so much as glancing at Storm as I followed Maddy and Koda into the indoor arena. She let Koda off his lead and I did the same thing with Storm. Both geldings took off at a gallop towards the other end of the arena.

" Listen " I turned to Maddy. " I may not be an expert like you when it comes to reading a horse, but anyone can see that you and Storm were meant to find each other. That video... " She paused and took a breath. " That video was just a horrible accident, and whoever sent it to you obviously is jealous of you and Storm... "

" Someone's jealous that I own a horse that...crushed his rider? "

Maddy sighed. " That's not the point Ariel! " she rubbed her temples. " Storms an amazing horse! Sure he may have had a rough past, but if you watch the video, you can see that Storm used to be a top level eventing horse! I mean those jumps he was going over we're huge! " she moved closer to me, until I stared straight at her. " What happened what a tragic accident...but Taylor wasn't the only one who lost something that day...Storm did too... "

I bit my lip. She was right. After that day, Storm had lost his rider, his livelihood, his whole world came crashing down around him that day. He must've been so scared, not only that day, but every other day that came after it...

Until the day he met me...

I felt tears prick my eyes as memories flashed in my brain.

Storm charging off the trailer, skin and bones, mane and tail matted, scar still fresh, a terrified look in his eyes.

Me, begging dad to keep him, telling him it's what mom would've wanted.

Storm charging at me whenever I came close to his stall, running away from me the second he was in the back field.

I remember leaving food for him at the gate everyday, taking about a week before I noticed Storm getting closer and closer, watching me, waiting for food.

Then one day, I wouldn't let him have it until he came to me.

That was the start of of life together. A reset for both of us.

I sniffled as I felt warm breath on the back of my neck. Turning around and seeing Storm standing behind me, I couldn't help but cry as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

" Oh Storm... " I cried. " I'm so sorry boy! I never should have left you like that! "

I felt his neck lower as he wrapped it around my body, chin resting on my hip.

" It wasn't your fault was just an accident... " I told him, squeezing him tightly. " I know you're scared about getting back into eventing. I'm scared too...but I know we can do this! "

Storm snorted and lipped at my jean pocket, making me laugh. " Okay " I pulled out a mint and fed it to him. " Are we back to normal? "

Storm snorted and bobbed his head, pawing the ground with his foreleg. Trotting away from Maddy and I, he moved to a set of small jumps set up at the end of the arena. Nudging the poles with his nose, he hopped over the jumps, bucking happily when he finished.

Maddy and I laughed.

" I'd take that as a yes " She replied.

I nodded. " We're gonna rock that show! And even if we don't place, it'll still be an achievement, because Storm will have gotten over his fear...and so will I "

Maddy and I hugged. " Thanks Maddy...I owe you one, big time! "

Maddy giggled. " Actually, there is something I'd like to ask you to help me with "

I nodded excitedly. " Name it! "

" Well...I want Koda and I to- "

We both froze when our phones went off at the same time.

I knew who it was before I had even checked the message.

Unknown: So you and your psycho horse made up huh? Let me give you and your friend a piece of advice...if you know what's good for you, you'll drop out of the show next week...or you'll be sorry!

I swallowed the lump in my throat. " How did they know? "

Maddy suddenly glanced up and pointed. " Look! "

I turned just in time to see a hooded figure race out if the skybox above the arena.

Maddy and I glanced at each other. Now whoever this person was, they were threatening both of us...not just me.

Now they had threatened our horses...and that crossed the line.

" What do we do? " I asked. " Should we report this to Mr. Mallen? "

Maddy seemed to think for a minute before she shook her head. " No...I know someone who can handle this better...I know what I have to do... "

" ...What are you going to do? " I asked.

Maddy sighed. " Something I thought I'd never do before... "

I raised a brow, waiting for her to finish.

" ...I'm going to get my parents involved... "

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