Chapter 33:

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Ariel's POV:

" And mister Genves will no longer be a student here at Willow Lane Academy "

I sat stiff as a board as the headmistress read aloud Jacks punishments.

Expelled from school, not that I didn't think he totally deserved it, but still, expelled was a serious word that sent a creep up my spine every time I heard it.

Jack was sitting across from Maddy, Olivia and I. His parents sat on either side of him and they did not look happy.

Mr. Mallen was also standing by the door, having given his statement on what he had seen happen at the barn.

Mr. and Mrs. Genves nodded in agreement as the headmistress continued.

" Furthermore, Willow Lane has agreed to take in the horse known as Silver Bullet, as payment for possible damages, both physical and mental, that may have been brought on our students and schools reputation... " The headmistress signed her elegant signature on the paper that was currently faced up in her desk.

I can't believe this was happening. Fall break was only a week and a half away. I wasn't even through my first quarter of a full year at Willow Lane and already so much had happened.

" Thank you for accepting our offer, Mrs. Samuels... " Jacks mom spoke as they shook hands. " We will be sure that Jack learns his lesson for this irresponsible and completely inappropriate behavior "

Jack looked mortified. I had to say, after everything he did, I still couldn't help but feel bad about him losing Bullet. Jack was obviously not well, and I hoped he'd get the help he needed to stop his behavior.

For his sake and the sake of any other people, he can across.

The headmistress nodded and dismissed Olivia, Maddy and I from her office.

" Now what? " I spoke aloud once we were out in the hallway.

" Now the nightmare's over. All Storm has to do is make a good impression for Mr. Müller at the clinic and everything will be back to normal " Maddy replied.

" I think she knew that " Olivia spoke up. " I mean, she's not completely brainless... "

" Gee, thanks... " I rolled my eyes at Olivia's comment. " But as much as I hate to admit this, Olivia's right...we were excused from classes for the day, so now what? "

Maddy smiled. " I'd be down for some barn time! Gotta prep for that clinic you know! "

I smiled. " That sounds like a great idea! "

Olivia rolled her eyes. " Unlike you two slackers, I have homework to get done... " she looked at Maddy. " Could you take Gold for a ride for me? "

Maddy nodded. " Sure, no problem "

It was official, Maddy and I were in Olivia's debt. Without her, Jack would still be tormenting us...

We split off at the fountain in the offices' courtyard and Maddy and I made a b-line for the stables.

" It feels weird not wearing breeches to the barn... " Maddy spoke as she glanced at her dark wash jeans.

I giggled. " Welcome to my world! I feel weird when I do have to wear breeches to the stable! "

We both laughed as we entered the barn. Lessons were canceled for today with everything that had been going on and with everyone still in class, the barn was empty, except for the occasional groom that passed by with a horse or two heading in or out of the paddocks.

" So, what did you have in mind for the clinic? " Maddy asked as we approached Storm's stall. Koda was out in the paddock, but the grooms knew by now that Storm would only go out calmly if I let him out.

" Well, I was thinking that I should start working with the horses that are going to be used in the clinic one on one " I explained as I fed Storm a mint from my pocket.

Maddy nodded. " Sounds good, who do you want to start with first? "

" Well, Koda and Storm won't need as much practice as the others, so that leaves Gold, Angel, Odin and...Bullet... " I listed off the horses that belonged to the 3 other riders that were participating in the clinic as well as the dapple grey gelding that used to belong to Jack.

It felt weird to say that he used to belong to Jack...

Maddy raised a brow. " Bullet? Why? " her tone seemed clipped. I knew she now seemed to resent the gelding, associating him with Jack.

" What happened with Jack isn't Bullets fault, " I told her as I approached the dapple greys stall at the end of the aisle. Bullet looked dejected, facing the back of the stall, with his ears flat. " Think about how Bullet must feel. He lost his owner once and now it's happening all over again. No matter how Jack acts, he and this horse had a bond, and now he won't see him, probably ever again... "

Maddy sighed. " I honestly didn't see it that way " she peered into the stall. " Poor boy, you don't deserve all of this... "

Bullet swished his tail and pawed the sawdust under his hooves.

I slowly opened the stall door and clipped a lead line to the geldings halter. " Come on boy... " I led him out of the stall and then handed his lead line off to Maddy. " Could you put him in the indoor arena while I get Storm? "

" Wow, look at me, the great Ariel Whitman's assistant, I feel honored! " She teased, making us both laugh before she led Bullet away.

Quickly grabbing Storm, as well as a longer, dressage whip, I led him into the indoor arena, where Bullet stood calmly next to Maddy.

" Take off his halter, " I told her. We let the horses loose in unison. " Let's just let them get used to each other again... "

Storm took off at a gallop towards the other end of the arena and after a few seconds of bewilderment, Bullet did the same. I smiled as the two geldings bumped noses and greeted each other.

" So, what's your plan here? " Maddy asked as we hung the halters and lead lines up by the arena door.

" I want to show Bullet off in the clinic, show how far he's come since I first met him. I was thinking, if I can swing it, I want him and Storm to work in unison for liberty " I explained. " I'm hoping since Bullet seems so smart, that he could easily follow Storms lead and it would be easier to train him " I whistled to Storm, who came cantering over, Bullet following him a few seconds later.

Maddy nodded. " That sounds like a good idea to me. Bullet definitely is a different horse than he was before you got here " she turned to me" What do you need me to do? " she pretended to bow. " I am at your service, oh great whisperer of horses "

I rolled my eyes playfully and I tapped Storms foreleg, hopping on his back as he lowered himself to the ground, then propped back up.

" I'll need you to be a reinforcement if Bullet doesn't feel like cooperating. Kinda like a ground crew " I honestly felt uncomfortable telling Maddy what to do. She was obviously way more experienced than me when it came to actually riding a horse, but this was my element.

I knew what I was doing here.

Maddy seemed to read my facial expression and smiled. " You're going to teach me so much! " she sounded giddy. " I want to learn everything you know! "

She sounded like she had when she first saw me and Storm in the indoor arena, it made my nerves fade.

" Alright, let's start, we've got a lot of horses to work with for the next week and a half "

And if Storm and I didn't impress, I may be leaving Willow Lane sooner than I ever thought...

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