Chapter 31:

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Ariel's POV:

To say that our 'plan' hadn't exactly gone well was an understatement...

Maddy and I both had dull looks on our faces as the truck pulled back into the Willow Lane driveway, followed by the trailer that held our horses.

Jack had won the show-jumping round, taking home the blue ribbon for the whole event. Maddy had managed to hold onto second place, just a point ahead of Amelia, who took home third.

At least the Willow Lane riders held good spots, besides Storm and me...

Maddy had tried her best, but Jack and Bullet had raced through the course, and unfortunately, hadn't knocked a single rail as they did so...

Maddy was only a few seconds short of beating his time.

Now we were both feeling down, and the clinic was right around the corner...

If Storm acted up, even once, during the clinic, he would never be able to show or do any other clinics, ever again...

And I couldn't show if it wasn't with Storm. My time at Willow Lane would be over just as it was beginning.

As the truck pulled to a stop, I hopped out, making my way to the trailer, where a few of the grooms were already starting to unload horses. Clipping Storms leadline to his halter, I led him back down the trailer and to his stall. Maddy trailed behind us with Koda and both horses seemed just as down as we felt.

Storm, who usually pranced and played beside me, walked calmly into his stall and turned so his rump faced the door.

"I really have to hand it to you... " I turned and saw Jack, smirking as Bullet stood beside him. " You two really handed me this ribbon... " he held up the bright blue ribbon that he had pinned to his belt.

I rolled my eyes. Now that Maddy had outed Jack, aka, dumped fries all over him and revealed that we knew his secret, he seemed extra mean.

" Just get lost, Jack! " Maddy snapped as she fed Koda a mint. " You won't be getting away with this for much longer! "

He chuckled. " Oh, yea? Wanna bet? " He challenged. " I'll get that horse, one way or another... "

I stood in front of Storms stall protectively. " You don't come near him! " I threatened. " or you'll be sorry... "

" Cute... " Jack mocked. " You think I can't get what I want... " he stepped closer to me, but I kept my posture tall and firm. He didn't scare me...not anymore...

" I'm a part of your clinic, remember? " Jack chuckled. " And you're going to let me ride're going to make him behave for me...and when Mr. Müller sees how great we work together, he'll make you give Storm to me to compete...he'll be mine! "

I felt frozen in shock. " ...A-And if I don't? "

" Then I'll make sure Storm freaks out worse than he did at this show...and he'll be banned, or put down... "

I felt a lump form in my throat. How could someone like Jack even be allowed to own a horse as nice as Bullet? He didn't deserve the gelding...but I guess Jack was really good at hiding his true self...

" Ahem... "

Jack froze and turned. I peeked around him and saw someone I didn't expect.


And oh boy, if looks could kill...Jack would be six feet under by now...

Olivia approached Bullet, patting the geldings shoulder. " Jack... " she spoke with a calm tone, but there was a hint of threatening hidden behind the smooth voice.

Jack seemed to shrink down. No matter how intimidating he was, he was nothing compared to Maddy's older sister.

" Why don't you get lost? " Olivia smiled with fake sweetness. " I need to talk with my sister and... " she met my eyes. " ...Ariel... "

I think that's the first time she really meant to call me by my name and not the horse whisperer title she had appointed me.

Jack scoffed and tugged Bullet along. As soon as they were down the aisle, Maddy emerged from Koda's stall and hugged her sister. I smiled as I watched them, times like these had me wishing I had an older sibling, instead of being the older sibling. No matter how harsh Olivia could be, she would protect Maddy no matter what.

Maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought...

" We need to get Jack to spill his secrets in front of someone who can do something about it " Olivia spoke.

I felt a bit skeptical, voicing my concern. " Why do you suddenly want to help me? "

Olivia rolled her eyes. " Look Ariel. You and I may not see eye to eye, but we can both agree that what Jack has been doing is wrong and dangerous for Storm...and nobody is going to be hurting any horses while I'm here! "

Maddy smiled. " So I assume you have a plan? "

She nodded. " Don't I always... " she looked at me and I sighed.

" I'm going to have to be bait again, aren't I? "

Olivia smirked. " I've heard you're really good at it... " we huddled together in front of Storms stall.

" Okay, here's what we're going to do... "

Listening to Olivia's plan, I had to admit...

It was crazy...

But crazy enough that it just might work...

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