Chapter 7:

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Ariel's POV:

For most kids, Monday was the worst day of the week. No sleeping in, no extra time to go riding, just school and homework.

However, I was part of that limited percent of kids who were up before the sun like it was any other day of the week.

My alarm went off at around 5 am and I was dressed and making my way down to the barn by 5:30.

My stomach fluttered with butterflies at the thought of school starting at 7, but I knew that a quick ride on Storm would calm me down.

The barn was abandoned, not a person in sight, as I made my way down the aisles to Storm's stall.

Before I reached the black geldings stall, I peeked in on Koda. The gelding was quietly snoozing on the ground, legs tucked underneath him. I smiled, he was cute.

Peering into the stall next to the bay, I giggled when Storms eyes met mine.

"Couldn't sleep either? " I spoke softly as I opened the stall door, closing it behind me as I entered the dark space.

Storm bobbed his head and pawed the ground with his hoof. He was itching to get out and stretch his legs. The horses were supposed to have been out all last night, but a thunderstorm had swept through, so it was decided that the horses would stay in for the night to avoid any injuries.

Making my way to the tack room, I piled up as much of Storm's tack in my arms as I could. His worn all-purpose saddle and bridle looked so out of place compared to the other students' tack, which was gleaming and shining like it was always brand new. If I could afford it, Storm would have the best tack money could buy...but unfortunately, I didn't have the money to pamper him as the other students did with their horses, so we would both have to deal with worn tack for the time being.

But that was one of the things I loved about Storm. Although he was sensitive, he didn't mind it when his tack seemed ill-fitting or out of place, even if it caused him pain, he would power through it like a champ, even when I didn't want him to.

Making my way back to his stall, I set his tack down and took out a few brushes from the grooming box that each stall had attached to the door. Storm pranced on the spot as I groomed and tacked him up in his stall.

He was very anxious to go out and run.

As I led him outside, fully tacked up, my mind wandered to yesterday. Olivia had issued a challenge for me ad Storm, to race against her and Gold, bareback, across the cross country field outside the boundaries of the school.

" It's an old course " Madison had informed me. " It hasn't been used in lessons for years, not since Willow Lane built the new course with 'safer' jumps "

She had explained the course consisted of a solid brick wall, a few log fences, haystacks, tires, brush fences and even a small, but a still fairly large stream that could either be cantered through or jumped over.

I immediately knew that I would be at a disadvantage. Olivia probably knew that course like the back of her hand, whereas Storm and I would be jumping it for the first time, and I would be riding bareback.

I hopped into the saddle and immediately Storm started swaying his head as he moved sideways.

" Hey " I scolded as I kept a firm grip on the reins. " You know we don't go until I say we can go "

Storm snorted and gave a small rear, followed by a few crow hops. I kept myself firmly placed in the saddle, years of dealing with Storms antics helping me predict what he was going to do next.

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