Chapter 16:

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Madison's pov

"Don't say a word" I said, glaring at Noah.

My cheeks were warm and I completely embarrassed. Jack and Noah just ended up watching me eat dust. I probably look like a complete fool right now. Noah smirks and puts his hands up in response but it's Jack who says something.

"That was ridiculous Madison" I almost cringe when Jack doesn't use my nickname.

It felt like my mom was scolding me...

"I was trying to help Ariel, I didn't know Storm would react so badly" I defend, frowning.

"Face the facts Mads, you don't have any experience handling difficult horses" Jacks words hurt me and I look away.

Ariel was back on Storm and he was behaving again. When I turn back, Noah is looking at Jack with an impassive expression. His amusement faded the minute Jack started talking.

"I was just trying to help..." I repeat meekly.

"Well you didn't-"

Noah cuts Jack off this time.

"Last time I heard, you couldn't handle your own horse..." Noah says flatly, knowing how to press Jack's buttons.

Jack scowls.

"Noah!" I huff, giving him a look.

"My show jumping round is soon, see you later Mads, tell Ariel I said hi" Jack grumbles before trudging off.

As soon as he's out of sight, Noah smirks again.

"Did I say something" he asks innocently.

"Why are you here?" I sigh, turning to watch Ariel.

"You shouldn't let him talk to you like that, you're a great rider. Storm is just a one rider kind of horse" Noah answers me with a question of his own.

"No kidding" I mutter.

An idea comes to my head.

"I think I saw a light bulb appear above your head" Noah jokes.

I grin.

"Ariel, instead of asking him to put his head down, I want you to do a figure eight repeatedly. Keep him going forward at a slightly faster trot. As you do that, loosen the reins so he has his whole head" I call.

How couldn't I have thought of this earlier? Storm hates being forced to do things. Perhaps by letting him make mistakes, he'll want to work into the bit willingly. I know the theory doesn't sound quite right, but every horse is different. It could work.... I think...

Ariel throws me an unsure look but follows my instructions anyway. After multiple laps and Storm becoming unbalanced repeatedly, his head starts to lower. I could see him putting the pieces together and realising he could become balanced with a lowered head. Ariel tenses, glancing at me with an unsure look.

"I know it feels like he might pigroot, but he's going on the bit" I call.

As soon as I say that, Ariel beams.

"Take him along the outside now" I instruct once she finishes another figure eight.

She follows my instructions yet again, and Storm keeps his neck arched. He still looked to be getting the hang of being on the bit but it was an improvement. I knew with some practice, they could definitely become a great eventing team. I saw it from day 1, today just confirmed my thoughts.

"He just had to remember" I said as she brings him to a halt next to me.

Storm eyes me wearily and I feel guilty for pushing him earlier. He was different, even from the more difficult horses I've ridden. In a way I guess we both learnt from each other. I remembered to always listen to a riders warnings, and he remembered how to go on the bit.

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