Chapter 38:

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Madison's pov

Today was the day.

The sun peaked over the horizon as Ariel and I walk to the barn. A cool breeze swept through the air and shook the trees. I could tell todays weather was going to be cool but sunny. It helped my nerves slightly, knowing we didn't have to worry about bad weather bothering the horses. It wouldn't be hot, nor would it be cold, but just perfect.

Today marks the start of Ariel's two day horse clinic.

As we enter the empty barn, horses sleepily raise their heads and watch us walk past. We had barely said a word, both caught up in our thoughts. Nerves should be the least of my worries, but like everyone, I definitely fear the unknown. This would be the first time Koda and I perform liberty in front of a crowd. What if I messed up? What if I didn't teach Koda the right things. I would not only embarrass myself, but also my family.

How horrible would that be?! The headmistress' very own daughter putting a bad name on her school. It would be humiliating. My parents would never let me live it down.

"Maybe we should prepare Angel and Odin first, then Bullet and Gold. Before finally prepping our boys?" Ariel suggests.

I smile. "You're the boss"

As Ariel gets Angel, I grab Odin and put him on cross ties.

The two were two complete opposites. Angel is an Arabian cross thoroughbred who's as white as snow. The mare happened to be very timid on ground and a complete nervous wreck under saddle. Odin on the other hand was pure black, no markings what so ever. Unlike Angel, he was headstrong and domineering.

Ariel has had some time working with them, but the real magic is supposed to happen in the arena today. I just hoped for Ariel's sake that it worked out. I was already feeling pressured to perform for my family, but I couldn't begin to imagine how Ariel felt. She had to conduct a two day clinic on a parents weekend! And Mr Müller would be judging whether or not Storm is able to continue competing.

I knew that once we were with our horses, we would become distracted and relax. But until then, we were both nervous wrecks. Today I had a solo performance with Koda, and I was also going to be Ariel's assistant. We'd planned to finish todays clinic off with a tangent performance. I would be on Koda, and Ariel would be on Storm.

"Odin!" I said warning.

The gelding looked back at me innocently, as if he didn't just try to stomp on my foot. Odin was a bigger, more intimidating horse. He was a thoroughbred mixed with draft horse. He had a knack at scaring away plenty of students. I had grown accustomed to his ways however, and I knew he would bluff people 99 percent of the time.

He knew how to get his way and who he could push around, but today he would meet his match.

As I flick a brush over him, he begins to get grumpy and behave like a sook.

I roll my eyes at his melodramatic behaviour. "You're such a baby"

Dropping the brush, I grab the hoof pick and check all his hooves. Next was the comb, followed by me wiping his face. Once I've completed the simple routine, I throw a coat over him and put him back in his stable to have breakfast.

Next up, Ariel takes Bullet while I get Gold. The gelding was much more sedate then Odin, more interested in posing as people walk past. His coat was already gleaming and Olivia had clearly done his braids the night before. They were in a perfect neat row, giving Gold a glamorous edge. I wondered if the gelding was a neat freak like his owner. The braids looked like they hadn't been touched at all overnight.

I smile at the thought while students come over the pat the gelding, marveling at his beauty. He had a demeanor about him, that gave me the impression that he knew he was one of the best. I laugh silently as the gelding keeps up his posing stance.

Although Gold was his name, I wondered what Olivia really called him. I had overheard her muttering another name to him before, but I couldn't make it out. I guess Gold suited his persona and looks, but in many other ways it was unfitting.

Deep in thought, I didn't even realise someone was speaking to me.

"Earth to Madison" I hear Ariel say, amusement in her tone.

"Yeah?" I turn away from Gold to look in her direction.

"You've been brushing the same spot for minutes. Are you okay?" Ariel asks, untying Bullet and walking him over to me.

I sigh. "Yeah, just nervous. My parents are watching today and I don't want to mess up"

Ariel gives me a reassuring smile. "Well if all else fails, just picture them trying to ride Koda, and doing all the things you've done"

"Yeah right! My mother is way to 'proper' for that and my dad, well he doesn't know this difference between the head and tail" I giggle.

Ariel laughs and pats Bullet. "Exactly, so how would they know if you mess something up? Everything is the same for them, as long as it's done neatly, they wouldn't know the difference"

I feel relief wash over me. "Yeah, I guess your right. But what about you? You have to instruct and perform in front of everyone. Aren't you worried?"

Ariel smiles sheepishly. "Yeah, I just hide it a little better then most"

As I toss Gold's rug back over him, I respond. "Well you shouldn't be, you're a great instructor and you have a great horse. You'll kill it"

"One way or the other" Ariel jokes.

I roll my eyes and put Gold back in his stall, while Ariel does the same for Bullet. "Will you just take a compliment for once, my goodness"

Ariel is about to retort when Olivia cuts her off.

She sings. "I'm here everyone, your only hope of success"

Ariel and I roll our eyes.

"Good morning to you too" Ariel mutters.

Olivia flips her off and peaks into Gold's stall. "You haven't touched his braids, have you?"

"Heaven forbid" I said sarcastically.

Olivia sighs, as if she has the whole world on her shoulders.

"What's wrong now? Are you nervous" I joke.

"Please, none of this phases me little sister. I'm not the one with my horse on the line, or my integrity" Olivia shrugs, as confident as always.

"Olivia!" I hiss, punching her in the shoulder.

She smiles meekly. "Oops, I forget we don't share the same sense of humour. Sorry Ariel"

Ugh! This girl will drive me insane.

"Don't worry Ariel, you'll do great!" I said firmly, glaring at my sister who just shrugs and turns back to Gold.

She definitely wasn't helping.

Ariel sighs but nods.

"Okay, well let's get our boys ready"

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