Chapter 20:

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Madison's pov

"... Your parents Madison! They're going to come to watch you in the clinic"

I had been shocked by the news.

Both of them?

Since when?

Mr. Mallen had taken no notice when he excitedly started talking details. I didn't know how I felt about my parents. They don't ever watch me at shows, so why are they coming to the clinic? Do they actually care or is it for publicity?

Many conflicting emotions had ran through my head that afternoon. But I knew one thing for certain, this was a great opportunity to demonstrate my bond with Koda. Also, if I helped assist Ariel, we could make this clinic into something phenomenal. I wanted to perfect that rearing trick she had been teaching Koda earlier.

I could barely believe my eyes when he leapt into the air for her. Never did I think he could do so well at liberty. It served as a reminder to never underestimate him. My heart swells with pride. Koda was a horse that would try his heart out for anyone, you just needed to give him the right cues.

I wanted Ariel to teach me everything she knew, whether it took a month, or even a year.

Now that I knew what Koda was capable of, it boosted my confidence. The bond Koda and I shared was strong, so I knew we could do it. We just needed a coach who believes in us, that being Ariel. Then just maybe, Olivia won't think of her as such a joke.

Ariel has an exceptional talent for teaching horses, and riders. Sometimes it was as if she could see right into Koda and I's thoughts. I don't want Olivia trying to snub that. My sister needs to relax for once and just lay off.

"Madison, I know Koda is more then capable of bending. Make you spirals tighter" Mr. Mallen calls.

Oops, focus Maddy!

I almost laugh at myself, finding it funny that I'm daydreaming about horses even when I'm riding one.

"Try not to let Storm fall in Ariel"

I toss Ariel a quick smile as I continue doing my spiral. She too seemed to be lost in thought. We already agreed to hang out after the lesson at her dorm room. We both desperately wanted to discuss ideas about the clinic. After finding my parents would be attending before our Tuesday lesson, we became distracted. Ariel had to perform for two special guests and I had to perform in front of my very judging parents.

I smile, thinking back to when I redeemed myself on Storm. He was so lovely and well behavoured while I rode him. It was even better when our whole team saw us ride tackless. They all were facinated and in awe. I don't blame them. Watching people ride tackless was incredible.

Well at least that's what I think.

Olivia just says it's a waste of time. But I know her. She rides Gold bareback when ever no one's around. I've seen her, I just don't say anything. She's the most confusing and unpredictable person. What ever happened to make her this way clearly took a toll on her personality. I hoped that one day she would talk about it, it's never good for anyone to bottle up their emotions. Plus, I'm her SISTER.

"Okay everyone, please come in" Mr. Mallen says.

Glancing at my watch, an hour had past since we started meaning our lesson was over. Finally! Within the next hour, Ariel and I can continue planning. Well she plans and I nod excitedly. I think I may be a little to excited at times... but who wouldn't be?!

"As you all know, I will soon be announcing a captain for all the Willow Lane teams. This announcement will be held at the end of next Mondays lesson"

Everyone groans except Ariel and I. We're only ones who weren't on the edges of their seat. We had other things to worry about.

"So if you want the title, I suggest you be on you best behaviour" Mr. Mallen jokes.

I didn't care much for the captaincy title, I just wanted Jack to get it. Even though he's going through some phase at the moment, he still deserved it. He would make a great captain. Although, I may be a little bias because of my major crush on him. But that's beside the point! He truly deserves it. I swear!

"For tomorrows lesson, prepare to be stirrupless and sore" Mr. Mallen hints.

The team groans again and I almost laugh. After all my latest bareback practice, going without stirrup seems so simple. I can thank Ariel for that. If it weren't for her, I would be dreading tomorrow.

"But before I let you all go..." Mr. Mallen adds.

I almost sigh out loud, impatience building.

"I've got some news about the oncoming show season..."

I freeze, holding my breath. This would be my first show representing Willow Lane on the intermediate team! Mr. Mallen stays silent for suspense.

"Well!?" Amelia asks.

We all laugh as she breaks the long silence.

"Well... the first show we're attending this season will be held at the Redmond Horse Park... in Connecticut"

"Road trip!" Jill hollers.

Ariel and I giggle at him while Henry looks away, embarrassed by his friends actions.

"Yes, a road trip indeed" Mr. Mallen laughs.

"Which means, when we go to this show in one of the following weeks, don't forget anything. I suggest you all make a list to check off"

"When exactly is it?" Jack asks.

"You'll find out more details next lesson... but for now, you're all free to go" Mr. Mallen smiles.

Everyone groans at Mr. Mallen's lack of details. How could he keep us all in so much suspense? We needs details! Lots and lots of details. As we all begrudgingly dismount, Amelia walks over to Ariel and I with Parker in tow.

"We've got the internet for a reason Samuels" Amelia says.

She had her phone out within seconds.

I glance at her weirdly, barely anyone rides with a mobile. Okay, maybe that was a lie. A lot of people a Willow Lane rides with mobiles. Luckily, they're smart enough to put them on silent... well most of them. I think back to the beginning of the term when Olivia was thrown off of Gold. Yikes...

I only took my phone with me when I was going out on the trails or to practice cross country.

"Redmond Horse Park, the next show will be held in... It doesn't say! How can it not say when?" Amelia scowls.

"Maybe because the event might not be fully organised" Jack suggests smugly.

Amelia glares at him before they start bickering between one another. Jill and Henry join the banter while Ava quietly listening. As all the riders leave the arena, Ariel and I follow at the back.

"Do we go interstate often?" Ariel asks.

"Apparently... With our showing routine, we have to pick the most suitable events, and most can be interstate" I explain as we go into the barn and cool down the horses.


"It's not that bad, really, it gets you out of Willow Lane for a while" I muse.

"How big are these events usually...?" Ariel asks, looking a little worried.

"The first event will be more laid back, but there'll still be a lot of people attending" I shrug, replacing Koda's bridle for a halter.

Concern laces Ariel's tone. "It's just that... I haven't been to a show with Storm before and... I don't know how he'll react. He didn't have the best showing experience before I got him"

"You'll work it out, you always do" I said, trying to boost her confidence.

Her look of doubt didn't for a second make me take back my words.

Ariel and Storm have an unbreakable bond, this show is just opening a new door for them.

They just needed to see it first.

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