Chapter 25:

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Ariels POV:

" Easy Storm... " I soothed as I got Storm loaded up into the trailer. If there was one thing Storm hated the most, it would have to be trailers, especially smaller trailer. I felt as though they reminded him of the meat truck he had been on. Luckily for both of us, the Willow Lane trailers were very big and roomy, enough for multiple horses to fit with room to spare. It made loading Storm much easier.

I stifled a yawn as I clipped Storms halter to the cross ties in the trailer. I had a habit of getting up earlier than most kids my age, but this was different.

This was a show

Storms and my first show

This morning I had woken up, gathered my things, aka, all the showing clothes that I had either borrowed from Maddy or been given by the school. White breeches, a black show jacket with the Willow Lane crest stitched on the front chest pocket and black tall boots. I knew I was going to feel so out of place and so was Storm.

I was just praying nobody would recognize him as Lightning Striker...

" Ready to go? " Maddy asked as she peeked her head around the door of the trailer.

I bit my lip as I glanced back at Storm. " I'll see you soon good okay? "

Storm snorted as I walked away and it was hard for me to hear his whinny as the grooms shut the trailer doors.

Maddy put her arm around me as we walked to the truck that was hooked up to the trailer. " he'll be okay Ariel, it's not that far "

I nodded as we climbed into the back seat with the rest of the girls on the grade 9 intermediate team. The boys were in another truck with their horses in the second trailer.

Except for Jack, who had insisted Bullet be put in the same trailer as Storm and Koda.

" It'll keep Bullet calm, he knows Storm and Koda " he had explained. " And who knows, it may help Storm keep calm too... "

Mr. Mallen turned from his place behind the wheel and smiled at all of us.

" Ready? "

" Ready! " we all chanted.

As we pulled down the driveway, I stared out the window, my eyes and mind wandering.

Storm and I would be riding in the novice class, while everyone else on the team would be riding training level. Maddy assured me there wasn't too much of a difference besides fence height, but I didn't mind. This was my first time taking Storm to a show and I didn't want to push him, or myself, too much.

I hid another yawn as I counted the line of Willow trees go by as we left the school grounds. The others excited chatter died down as I felt my eyelids get heavier.

Before I knew it, I was fast asleep, dreaming of Storm and I taking home a shiny blue ribbon.


" Ariel... "

I groaned as I swatted away the hand that was shaking my shoulder.

" Ariel! " the voice became louder. " We're here! "

My eyes snapped open as I sat up, almost knocking Maddy out of the truck with my quick movement. She laughed. " Whoa there! " she teased.

I laughed in embarrassment as I followed her out of the truck and around to the back of the trailer. " Did I miss anything on the drive? "

She shrugged. " Nothing interesting. Mr. Mallen was singing along to the radio... " she shuddered, making us both laugh.

" Enough said "

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