Chapter 36:

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Madison's pov

Green fields and willow trees, how could that imagine not be beautiful?

I was excited but also dreading the oncoming winter. Soon enough, all colour would be drowned in white snow. Willow Lane would become a winter wonderland. Although the weather wouldn't sway Koda from trekking through the trails, it always bothered me. Winters at Willow Lane were icy, with most students choosing to stay indoors. I preferred summer over winter for sure.

I'm sure every equestrian thinks the same. Only a handful of riders would go on the trails in winter. I definitely don't blame the others for not going outside. Sometimes it would feel like my toes were about to fall off.

"Easy Rex" I coo, petting the antsy gelding.

Rex, otherwise known as 'Think Not' was a new edition to the Willow Lane barn. Mr. Mallen had asked if I could exercise the warmblood this afternoon. The highly trained eventer was a one of Mr. Mallen's project horses. Apparently after a travelling accident, he became barely manageable, spooking at everything. Since then, Mr. Mallen has worked with him and Rex made a slow improvement.

The gelding was still skittish on the trails but I managed just fine.

I found that the more I focused on the dark bay, the more confidence he built. It also helped me clear my mind and not think about my current delema. Horses do that to me, and I refuse to think about Noah when I'm handling them. I wasn't going to be that silly girl in books who messed up because of a boy.

Shaking my head, I turn Rex back and head to the barn. It was Thursday afternoon and I'd finished my intermediate lesson about an hour ago. Along with that came the news that we would be attending another show just before fall break.

I was exited as always, already planning everything in my head.

My thoughts are interrupted when Rex shields away from a tree. "I'm telling you, trees don't eat horses"

Rex snorts and breathes heavily as we pass another 'incriminating' tree.

Picking up a trot once the path clears, Rex and I find our way back to the barn.

Instead of getting off right away, I walk Rex to one of the outdoor arenas where Ariel worked Bullet.

When she catches sight on me, she joins me along the fenceline. "Hey Maddy! This is Rex right?"

I smile and pat Rex on the neck. "Yep, Willow Lane's new school horse"

Ariel coos at Rex. "Awe, he's so cute. Look at that face, how could someone even think about selling him?"

I roll my eyes but grin. "You say that about every horse. Let me tell you, Mr. Mallen wasn't joking when he said he's spooky"

Ariel reaches over and pats his neck. "I'm sure there's a reason, is there anything in particular that he doesn't like?"

"Trailers, but I think that's because of some travelling accident he had a couple months ago. And he also hates trees" I answer.

Ariel nods. "I have some spare time, would you like me to work with him?"

"If he was mine then I would let you, but since he's isn't, I can't... We could probably ask Mr. Mallen later though? He's a little protective of Rex, but he might agree" I suggest.

Ariel nods and turns to pat Bullet, who stands right by us.

"So..." I trail off.

"Have you uh- have you heard from Noah?" I finally ask sheepishly.

Ariel laughs. "You really like him, don't you?

I look down and play with my reins. "Well, I don't know... I like him when he's away from his friends. But when he's with that group of his, he gets up to no good. Even though he told me not to believe things people say, I can't help but to do so"

"Have you spoken to him at all since the kiss?" Ariel asks.

I laugh in dispair. "He's avoiding me like the plague"

"Well, if he didn't ignore you then what would you say to him?" Ariel questions.

I pause. "I guess I would ask if he's being himself around me, or around his group. If he's being his true self around his group, then I don't even want to know his name. It's definitely not helping his case when he goes MIA on me"

I continue. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question. Have you heard from or spoken to him since everything happened?"

Ariel turns to Bullet again and shakes her head quickly. "No, why would I?"

I stare at her for a couple moments, noticing that something seemed off with her. "Just curious"

Changing the topic, I motion at Bullet. "How's his progress?"

Ariel looks relieved for a split second but covering her expression it with a smile. "Great! He's going brilliantly!"

"Try not get to majorly attached, you never know who he'll end up being assigned too" I warn.

"Yeah... I know" Ariel sighs.

"But... if you really wanted to then you could ask Mr. Mallen to assign him to you? He tends to favour you over others" I shrug.

"That's so not true, he doesn't pick favourites" Ariel defends.

I smile grows wider as I poke fun at her. "Sure he doesn't, anyway I'm going to hop off now"

"Wait! Maddy! I'm not anyones favourite!" Ariel calls.

I don't respond and turn Rex back to the barn. The comment definitely gets under her skin. Yeesh, can't the girl take a compliment? I silently laugh to myself

But I start to ponder.

Something was definitely up with Ariel when I mentioned Noah.

Has she heard from him and just wasn't telling me...

What if...

Oh. My. God.

What if she saw him with another girl!!!

That's a big possibilty, and would definitely explain why she acted so weird!

Ugh, what the heck Noah?

Stupid boys, why do they have to be so confusing?

I sigh.

What ever, who needs a distraction anyway.

If Noah wants to play the avoiding game, then game on!

I have Koda anyway, and he'll always be my number one boy.

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