RESET 1 - The New Human

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Ok so I'm marking my chapters as RESETs so there's going to be long chapters that'll just be one timeline... thing. Anyways I'm skipping FLOWEY THE FLOWER WHOSE NAPSTABLOOKY and PaPayrus so this'll be you leaving the ruins. Also, my young or old or whatever age whoever you are to me, YOUR POV!!~

Key: Y/N is Your Name. H/C is Hair Color. E/C is Eye Color. F/C is Favorite Color.

(As for your outfit, your wearing the Classic Frisk outfit except the two purple stripes are F/C. If it's blue then you have a normal blue sweater. Congrats I'll give you an award.

It was COLD!! I know I was wearing a sweater and all but I wasn't expecting it to be this cold! Then again I wasn't expecting talking flowers and moving skeletons either.. I missed Papyrus... his spaghetti was nice and warm...

Without warning I tripped. The heck did I trip on became my immediate thoughts. I got up to my knees and saw that I had tripped over a very big branch. Or would I call it a stick? Didn't matter. I got up, brushed the white powdered snow off of my sweater, and resumes forward.

Right after I tripped though, I couldn't shake off this strange feeling that something... evil... was staring at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead by this strange glare. At one point I heard what sounded like footsteps echoing mine... I hoped whatever it was, it was as nice as Papyrus..

Wait that reminds me... Papyrus mentioned that if I left that there was someone on the other side that promised to take care of me. Maybe this was them! Papyrus' pun buddy! I hoped so for if it wasn't, I might be in a world of pain and suffering...

I stopped once I was in front of the bridge. I was confused about it... the bridge seemed stable but... were those SPIKES at the bottom? I WANT MY BED!!

Then I heard it. Those footsteps, much louder since I wasn't moving, coming in from behind.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. (Sorry I don't know what sound snow makes when you step on it. I'm in a heat wave ;-;)

I stiffened and started praying to whatever god or goddess was listening to me to help me get out of this sticky situation...

H U M A N. . .

D O N T   Y O U   K N O W   H O W   T O   G R E E T   A   N E W   F R I E N D?

T U R N   A R O U N D   A N D   S H A K E   M Y   H A N D.

That voice... I couldn't help but shiver but not from the cold this time. The voice was not only enchanting but filled with hatred and loathing... I turned around slowly. A black hooded silhouette of something stood behind me, it's hand outstretched towards me. I hesitantly took it.


I felt my eye widen as I looked down at our hands. BLOOD! THERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!

"Hahahahahaaa!" The other person laughed, making me look up. They weren't a black silhouette anymore but a person from the looks of it. They had brown hair, brownish red eyes, pale skin, and quite rosy cheeks. They had a green hood over a white shirt of some sorts with brown jeans and red boots. I looked back at our hands and looked closer at the "blood". That was ketchup... I removed my now ketchup-covered hand from their gloved hand.

"Ahhh, whoever threw out those ketchup packets were missing out on a few laughs!" The figure chuckled as they took off their glove and flung it around behind them, throwing ketchup everywhere. "Anyways your a human, right? I'm Chara. I'm human too. I'll let that sink in for a bit..."


Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now