Thanksgiving Special

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Happy Thanksgiving guys! Since I did want to update for the holidays and this is my most popular story (SURPRISINGLY), I'm updating it on this one. So enjoy this giant mass of pumpkin pie and turkey. It's actually rather short...

And small spoiler for next chapter since HEY IM IN THIS AND WE ALL SORTA TALK ABOUT THE NECT CHAPTER SCRIPT A WEE TINY BIT so sorry but it's there

Y/N knocked on the door to Toriel's house. It didn't take long for Toriel to open it.

"Hello Y/N! I'm so glad Shii let you out of the studio!" Toriel chirped.

"I had to bring them if that's okay....." Y/N sheepishly shrugged as they pointed to the gender-neutral human that was t-posing in a rock, staring down at Monster Kid as they did so loudly yelled "OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU!!!!!!"

"Okay... well we have some of the food prepared so you both can come in and eat some things while waiting for the other half of the meal to cook," Toriel opened the door wider. Y/N walked in before looking back to where Shii was, but the human had disappeared. Y/N shrugged before looking back into the house to see

Shii chasing Asriel while being chased by Chara and Frisk and practically everyone inside the house while Asriel screamed for his dear precious life.

It took Toriel, Sans, and Chara to pull Shii off of Asriel but it was too late. The goat child had been petted and now his forever awesome fur was tainted (it wasn't taint but it got messed up a bit).

Y/N laughed before sliding into a seat next to Frisk. "Hi Frisk."

"Sup," Frisk greeted. "How's life at the studio?"

"Shii has the new script written out. I decided to bring it to share it to everyone," Y/N claimed as she pulled out a packet of papers and handed one of the packets to Frisk, who took it and started reading it.

After reading the entire thing, Frisk sighed a bit. "Wow... I do not want to fight Asriel..."

"Least you ain't killing him," Y/N pointed out.


"Heeey Y/N! No hard feelings?" Chara said as they approached the duo of humans.

"You were only playing your part. No hard feelings but you hug so hard!" Y/N laughed as they stretched a bit. "Anyways, you wanna see the script? I brought copies."

"Sure why not," Chara took one of the packets and read it before their face turned into a frown. "Wow I'm not in this chapter much."

"You have like three lines," Frisk laughed.

Y/N smiled at the two humans before going over to Mettacrit, Napstablookie, Sans, and Papyrus. "Hi!"

"HELLO DARLING!!~" Mettacrit yelled as they hugged Y/N rather tightly, making the human squeak.

"H-hi Y/N-N.." Napsta joined the hug but they were rather the opposite of Mettacrit and was gentle.

"My child," Papyrus simply greeted as he now joined the group hug.

"Kiddos," Sans smirked before he glanced over at Asgore then proceeding to join him. Y/N rolled their eyes slightly at the King's behavior as he and Asgore seemed to start what looked like a game of checkers. The hug ended and Y/N talked with them briefly before her stomach called to the table. 

There Y/N, with the help of Shii and their bottomless stomach that ate an entire large meat lover pizza by theirselves, proceeded to eat nearly everything off the table making the entirety of StoryShift broke into poverty and become HorrorShift.

I joke. But they did have to make an entire meal all over again. Their pies were just too gooood

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now