RESET 3 - Surface

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Chara POV

King Sans managed to absorb the souls, become this giant Seraphim Sans, destroy the barrier, then break the souls returning to normal. The barrier was now broke , freeing all the monsters from the Underground. The monsters, those who survived, gathered around the area where the barrier was while me, Y/N, and Sans went out first to check the area. I forgot how bright the sun was...

"Uwaaaa!!!~" I heard Asriel yell as he ran out into the sunlight after us. "It's so bright!"

"I forgot about the sun..." I groaned.

"We must go make an alliance  with the humans before they attempt to attack us. We don't want a repeat of this," Sans stated. "Chara, you and Asriel can start rounding up monsters. They aren't to leave this cliff until me and Y/N return."

"Wait, you guys are leaving?" I questioned.

"Yes. We are going to go make an arrangement. I think it'd be better for me and Y/N to go. Me being the king of monster kind, Y/N being the recent human to be on the surface and the human who freed us in the end," Sans explained. I GUESS that made sense... I'm watching you Sans...

"Goodbye!" Y/N waved as she and Sans quickly departed. I looked down the cliff and saw them slightly struggle a bit but got down safely. They were making their way to the human city of... I forgot my own home city name. What an idiot I was! Anyways, they made their way to the city.

"We should start Chara," Asriel commented after a bit.

"Yeah..." I agreed before taking one of my shortcuts to Snowdin.


Soon me and Asriel got the survivors from "Frisk's" Genocide up on the surface. At this point there was a bunch of vans there to "escort us to the village". I had my suspicions about this, but we all obeyed since they had a signed document from the king agreeing to this. We all got rode into the city and they didn't stop until we were at an old, abandoned part of the city. There, King Sans and Y/N were standing, greeting us with..


I raced up to the front and tackled Y/N into a hug. "YOU GOT CHOCOLATE!!"

"Jesus Chara!" Y/N laughed. "You only had to ask for a chocolate bar if you wanted one! It's from the surface."

"Yes please!" I smiled. Y/N handed me a chocolate bar. I ate it quickly. I forgot how much more delicious chocolate from the surface was compared to the underground's chocolate. Y/N, along with the king, started assigning everyone a house until we could get some rules settled. Apparently, Y/N was our ambassador while King Sans was something of a secretary and a bodyguard. That didn't make me happy, for now Sans get to spend a lot of time with Y/N. On a happy note, me and Y/N get a house to ourselves. Asriel has to live with Asgore and Jerry, while Sans was appointed to live alone as our neighbor. I pitied Asriel.

I felt as if this was the start of something new... I couldn't help but hug Y/N again. She smiled as she looked up at me.


"Wassup Y/N?"

"I want you to be a bodyguard too," Her smile grew. I couldn't help but feel happiness and pride. Y/N, my pretty princess, trusted me enough to make me her bodyguard!

"You don't have to pay me to accept the job," I winked at Y/N. She started hugging me back. I felt as if this was the best day ever.

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now