RESET 1 - Attempted Getaway

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No one POV

As soon as Chara left, Y/N sprung into action. The chain wasn't long but it allowed her to not only reach the window but the desk too. Y/N went for the desk and started looking through it.

More paper with RESETs on it, chocolate bars, a dusty knife (Y/N took the knife), a spare pair of gloves, more chocolate, Golden flowers, keys- 

That's what Y/N needed. She grabbed the keychain before started messing around with the dresser. It didn't take long for her to unlock it and slowly, as she smelled rather delicious pizza, Y/N unloaded the dresser.

About three minutes into this, Y/N managed to empty the dressers just enough so she can lift it and free herself. Right as she did though, Y/N heard footsteps approaching.


Panicking slightly, Y/N yanked the window open and just as she jumped down, the door opened.

"Y-Y/N?!" Chara screeched as Y/N fell down into snow. It took her a moment before getting up, and a second longer to start running. She needed to go somewhere populated, somewhere where Chara couldn't just single her out. So to Grillbys it was.

Of course, the citizens of Snowdin freaked out as they saw Y/N running while holding a dusty knife. A monster DID get murdered and she WAS the main suspect. They ran in every direction just to get out of Y/N's way. 

Chara was running after Y/N and he realized that he was gaining on her. While she moved in a more frantic, confused run, he was running more determined, more needy. The fact that Y/N slowed down at one point to get around a blind citizen helped Chara in his pursuit. The monsters most likely thought that Chara was chasing after Y/N to get her soul for the king since there was evidence in every angle of him doing that. But Chara just wanted to grab you and bring you back...

Truth be told, Chara was furious that you had try to escape with that little charming smile of yours and the way you asked for food, his food... Chara knee that next time, he'd have to make a few changes.

As he was running, he just now noticed that Y/N darted inside Grillbys. So Chara followed calmly. Inside Chara saw Y/N panicking as she ran around, yelling that he was trying to kidnap her. But no one listened as they tried fleeing. Y/N nearly gave chase when she felt Chara's presence looming behind her. She slowly turned and was face to face with her captor.

"Heya angel," Chara greeted as he took a step forward. She took a step backward.

"Not another step," Y/N spat.

"Or what?~" Chara hummed, smiling amused.

"This," Y/N brought the knife to her neck. Chara's smile immediately dropped to a frown. "You want me? Well not another step, or else I will kill myself."

"Taking yourself captive?" Chara's eyebrow rose. Y/N nodded. 

Chara just sighed before snapping his fingers. The knife immediately disappeared, leaving a baffled Y/N. Right as she turned away from Chara to escape, Chara tackled her. He was much stronger than Y/N so it took only moments before the male stood up again, with Y/N now draped over his shoulder, struggling. 

As Chara left Snowdin, he heard the monsters applause. They came back out slowly and applauded at him as Chara walked back to his house, still holding Y/N. Once inside, Chara pinned Y/N against the sofa, earning him a grunt from the female.

"You shouldn't have left you know," Chara sighed.

"I tried, at least," Y/N scowled.

"You still hungry?" Chara tried changing the subject. Y/N just shook her head no.

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