RESET 2 - Meeting... _____

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Y/N POV (and yes I have skipped the Ruins parts again)

Everything seemed so familiar... the Ruins, that talking flower, and the skeleton. I was now leaving the Ruins into a place Papyrus said would be cold but friendly. And he was right, the area was cold. But I grudged on.

I heard a snap behind me, which made me turn around rather quickly. There behind me stood a Human with a green hoodie. Underneath their red boot was a large stick.

"Um....... greetings!" He smiled as he waved at me.

"Hello?" I questioned. "You are?"

"I'm Chara. Yes, I'm a human too," Chara greeted as he started to approach me, offering his hand. Something about him seemed... familiar in a way. I couldn't remember what though. I took his hand though, which lead to two things. The first was some sort of red substance coming out, ketchup based from the smell. The second was my memories.

I remember... this was a RESET? 

I looked up at Chara as his face started paling even more than it was already. I think he knew I now remembered.


"Hold on. Before you call me a murderer, will you hear me out?" Chara quickly requested.

"You killed me......" I yanked my hand away from Chara. "I already gave you a chance to let me go... you refused. Why would I give you a second one now?" I turned and stormed off. I didn't want to see him. Not now anyways.

Chara POV

I watched her storm off before collapsing onto myself gently. She hated me, didn't she? Oh god I felt so bad... I never meant to hurt nonetheless KILL Y/N, I just got... mad. Went a bit insane, but I didn't want that to happen. 

As I was basically kicking myself as I cuddled myself in the snow, I heard the Ruins door open up behind me. Quickly I snapped up, looking. Out of the door was a silhouette, one I was too familiar with. I teleported myself into the trees. I hoped with every fiber of my being it wasn't him.

Alas, it was. But this time, I saw no dust or knife or evil glare. Just him, walking like normal. Was he actually doing a Pacifist Run? Took him long enough but... why?

"FRISK!!" Y/N voice suddenly yelled as she ran into view and tackled big Frisk. They both fell onto the snow where I was a bit earlier. Frisk and Y/N were both giggling as they hugged.

"How did you get down here?" Frisk asked. Oh now he becomes talkative...

"I fell once you went missing! I would never abandon my best friend after all!" Y/N smiled. BEST FRIEND?! WHAT?!?!

Frisk laughed before pulling Y/N into another hug. "I missed you Y/N."

"I missed you too Frisk," Y/N practically melted in Frisk's arms. Oh no oh no oh no. It was bad enough that I had to see that demonic human again, but now he gets all the attention from Y/N as well?!?


I know I promised to do anything for Frisk back five RESETs ago if he Pacifist, but I would NOT allow this. He cannot have Y/N, not after how hard I worked last RESET! 

I watched Frisk pick up Y/N and twirl her around a bit, Y/N laughing and squealing as he did so. After a bit, Frisk put Y/N down and they both walked onward, hand in hand, giggling to each other. I felt all sorts of emotions bubble up.





D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

I was now determined to do whatever it took to get Y/N, even if that meant I had to hurt her A LITTLE! And nothing, not even Frisk, could stop me.

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now