RESET 1 - Nice Cream, Snow Puffs, And Chocolate

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Your POV (Things might be out of order here than in the actual "game" but it's to help my story)

After you solved the second puzzle, all three of you moved ahead to the next puzzle. In front of you was a big square with a bunch of white, gray, and grayer tiles on it. Asriel quickly ran to the other side where a big box sat. 

"Ahem. HUMAN PRINCESS AND HUMAN KNIGHT! In front of us lies the challenging tile puzzle! After I flip the switch, each tile will turn into a random color! Each tile means something but for added difficulty, I won't tell you what each color does!" Asriel declared. "Now hold on." He flipped the switch. Nothing happened.

"Uhh... th-this will only take a moment!" Asriel stammered, looking a bit nervous. "Come I'm stupid box! Work!"

"Asriel, this machine never worked! And we asked Dad multiple times to fix it but he never has the chance to! What makes you think now will be any different?" Chara piped up. Ever since we first met, I noticed how he never stopped following me around. Except to the bathroom, but he stood like a foot away.

Back to the conversation, Asriel was stammering more. "W-Well maybe it w-would've worked with the h-human here!!"

"Asriel that isn't how machines work..."

"ANYWAYS MY NEXT PUZZLE WILL MAKE UP FOR THIS FAILURE!!" Asriel yelled, his adorable goat face going all red, as he ran off. I looked back at Chara, who looked slightly guilty.

"Chara..? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh yes I'm fine. Just... was I going too far? I know light teasing never hurts anyone but... ah, never mind." Chara chuckled. "Anyways, can I ask you something?"

"Uh.. sure go ahead," I replied.

"What do you think of Asriel? Like, do you... like, like him or anything?" Chara asked.

"H-HUH?! No I don't like like Asriel! I mean he's cute and adorable but I only see us as maybe friends!" I answered back. "Besides we only just met! How can I judge someone who I just met?"

"Then what about me?" Chara questioned as he pointed at himself.

"You...? Possible stalker, quite flirty, and may have a few issues but you seem fine," I shrugged. "I just met you too. Like I said, how can I judge someone who I just met?"

Was that a look of.. relief on Chara's face? "Ok. I'll see you up ahead, yeah?"

"Sure..." I nervously smiled before basically taking off. It wasn't long before I met some blue bunny leaning on an ice cream cart. Near and far from said bunny were pile of snows, or snow puffs. They were actually adorable.

I walked up to the ice cream bunny. "Excuse me?"

"Hm? Oh hello there human! Would you like a nice cream?" The bunny asked. "They're bound to make you smile!"

"Sure why not," I gave the bunny gold coins I found on my journey and in return, got an ice cream sandwich. The ice cream was pink. Inside the wrapper was a cheerful quote: 'Don't feel down for someone's really cares about you!' It surprisingly worked for I stood there smiling. 

"Business is slow since nobody wants ice cream where it's cold," the bunny attempted to make small talk. "I badly want to do something for business..."

"Well, why not move to somewhere warmer? I'm sure moving to a warmer place than a snow forest would be better for business," I then suggested.

The bunny's face turned one into surprise. "That is an idea only a genius could have! Yes I will move to Waterfall tomorrow! That place is warmer than here!" I grinned, blushing a bit,  at the bunny before going over to one of the snow puffs. I poked it and out came.... a goo dog of some sort. It ran off immediately though. I continue down to then see two snow figures. Upon closer inspection, I noticed they were Asriel and Chara, apparently made by Chara and Asriel as it said in the snow. I grinned a little bit more as I finished the ice cream and head back up. Chara was standing there.

"Hey Y/N. I saw you got a nice cream," Chara stated.

"Oh yes I did! The nice cream bunny is a very nice and charming fellow!" I smiled at Chara. "So what brings you here?"

"Well I usually stand here and offer warm chocolate cookies after people order some nice cream, to warm them up. I can give you one for free," Chara offered as he held out a chocolate cookie.

I took it, "Sure! I'll repay you later though, ok?"

"No need. I'm fine just seeing you happy!" Chara laughed. "Anyways Asriel is waiting for us up ahead. You better hurry along or else you'll miss my puzzle~"

"You made a puzzle... ok I'll look forward to it!" I walked ahead smirking. From what I've seen Chara was laidback, lazy. This puzzle of his should be interesting to say the least. I took a bite of his cookie. It was so warm and gooey~ I had to ask where he got it from later. I finished the cookie rather quickly and continue my stroll onwards.

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now