RESET 4 - Accident

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Heeey been some time since I did a proper chapter haha! I'm sorry if it's not as good as before, Alright?

Your POV

You were falling. Again. This time, you were falling towards some golden flowers. 


As you hit them, many questions ran into your mind. Where was the void? Where was Asriel? Chara? Chara #2? Flowey? Boogie? Those white tiles? How did you get back into the Ruins?

"Well, I didn't expect to see you here," You heard Chara's voice. Startled, you look up. It was Chara #2, the one with the green sweater instead of the hoodie. He seemed... transparent. 

"I'm a ghost, that's why I'm transparent," He spoke as if he could read your mind. "You've seem to made your way into my timeline. Congratulations pretty girl."

"Thank... you...?" You questioned replied as you got up. 

"Of course, since you're in my timeline now, this makes you mine. I claim you, do you're my girl now. Got it?" He started to smile creepily. 

"What if I say no..?" You started backing away. 

"I may be a ghost, but I can still hurt you. Let's just leave it at that," He giggles before offering his hand. "Take it. I'll lead you through the Underground, since you're new here. Frisk knows his way, he should be fine without me."


"You know of him?" Chara asked. 

"N... no. The name just sounds familiar is all," You laughed meekly.

Chara frowned. "Well... Alright."

"Hey, Human, are you insane?" A high-pitches voice yelled. 

"Who said that??" I started looking around. I saw Chara point down to the ground, so I looked down. There was Flowey.

"Oh great, a human falls and is a nutcase..." He muttered.

"I'm not insane, I'm speaking to Chara!" I defended myself.

"Ooooooh!!" Flowey rolled his eyes slightly. "I forgot Chara does thaaaaat." He sounded sarcastic. I growled a bit.

"Save that fighting spirit for later. Ya might need it Girly," Chara flicked my nose gently.

"My name is not Girly or Human, it's Y/N!" I growled at the both of them.

"Imma call you Human nonetheless," Flowey started while Chara shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, Human, you're confused here, arentcha?"

"Nah, I'm good," I trotted ahead, ignoring Flowey's screams of wanting me back there. I heard Chara laugh behind me in amusement as he followed. 

"Alright Miss Y/N, let us start our adventure together." He took my hand before pressing a kiss against it. I would be lying if I said I didn't blush, but the sad truth is I blushed a very bright red. I was ashamed of it, more embarrassed when Chara chuckled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now