RESET 3 - Ruins

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*inhales and proceeds to throw this chapter up* and yeah the photo is going to be that tumblr post thing-

The chapter starts in the Ruins for once. Also I'm making it so Frisk here isn't just that one overprotective friend HA HA HA, but he's overprotective because he now has crush on you -^- some good ol' competition~

Your POV (You guys can't remember RESETs unless Chara or Frisk does something that sparks up a memory)

You landed on a soft bed of yellow flowers. You felt a bit of pain, but not enough to keep you down. You brushed some of the flowers and dirt off of your pants and sweater before walking onward. You soon reached an empty room. You felt as if you were suppose to meet someone here...

You pushed onward.

As you ventured further into the mysterious ruins under the mountain, you notice that the area was extremely dusty time to time, but that the puzzles or whatnot seemed to be solved meaning that someone is nearby. The fact that there was a headless dummy made you question what kind of person this was, but you kept at it.

You saw the same sights as you walked further into the area: solved puzzles and lots of dust. You started coughing at one point because the area was so dusty. You wished to knew why it was, but you didn't really question this. You reached a small house eventually. The lights were on and the door was opened so you went in. As you walked in, you were greeted by the sight of an extremely tall skeleton and a familiar human talking.

"Ah? Oh, what great luck! Two new friends!" The talk skeleton said upon immediately noticing you. The human turned around, revealing themself as a dusty Frisk. You squealed and tackle-hugged your best friend. (FRIEND-ZONED *wHEEZE*)

"Y-Y/N?!" Frisk stammered. "Y/N, are you ok?"

"Of course I am! I mean yeah the fall hurted a bit but I'm fine," you chuckled, happy to see Frisk.

"I mean....... never mind, you don't remember," Frisk sighed, smiling slightly. "Anyways this here is Papyrus. He's been taking care of me."

"Hello small human child! I, as Frisk stated, am Papyrus. I take care of the Ruins and it's citizens, though lately there's been a murderer running around killing off everyone besides me and Frisk," The tall skeleton claimed.

"Kill? I saw no bodies... just lots of dust," You pointed out.

"When a monster dies, it turns into dust leaving behind no body," Papyrus stated. "But you are friends with Frisk so you must not be the murderer. Frisk is too sweet to kill anyone."

"Awww~" You cooed.

Frisk blushed. "Shush." You giggled at your tsundere friend.

"Anyways you can stay here as well. I can make a spare bed for you and such. We can live as one happy, small family," Papyrus continued. "I'll go do that now." And just like that Papyrus took off, leaving you with a slightly embarrassed Frisk.

"... wanna play games?" You whipped out your Nintendo Switch.

"Your on," Frisk smiled.

Time skip to three days in advance

It has been fun living with Frisk and Papyrus, though your Switch died a day ago and there wasn't any electricity in the Underground. The murderer never revealed themselves but kept killing off the few survivors that were left, making Papyrus open his home to everyone. Soon it was you, him, Frisk, two Froggits, enough small spiders to fill a teacup, a yellow lizard with a white sheet draped over them, and a small yellow flower who called themselves Boogie. You two have grown close, surprisingly. Boogie was a bit... off.

It was somewhere midday when Papyrus gave you an offer: to come visit him downstairs to talk to the human on the other side of the exit. You, being rather bored, took this offer. You followed Papyrus down the forbidden staircase into his basement.

 (This chapter is exactly 666 words long and I'm confused as to how I did this it wasn't even on purpose xD SOS HELP-)

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