RESET 3 - Asriel Route

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I decided to pick Fluffy Boi route since I found a good outfit if you picked his side, though I will do a fun chapter as to what would've happen for this scene if you had picked Chara. Bruh the tie lasted hours

This is your character's outfit except it has a white DeltaRune symbol on the chest area and not that S thing. It also has a black scarf

Your POV

"I pick Asriel!" You finally decided.

"YAY!" Asriel cheered. "THE HUMAN IS ON MY SIDE!!"

"In that case they can't be considered "human" since your side is monsters," Chara pointed out.

"I'm a spy," you stuck your tongue out. "A princess spy."

Chara shrugged. "More time spent with me then."

Hours later and you finally made your character. Asriel has sown up a badass costume for you to wear, which you immediately changed into. Chara gave your character a title, or a nickname. You were Y/N, the Princess Spy of the Ruins. You thought it was cool since apparently Asriel owned Snowdin and Chara... was an "invader". Apparently you had no puzzle-making skills but you had plenty of ideas, so you threw them at Asriel before you were "off to your first spy job".

Basically you followed Chara everywhere from the trees and watched him laze around. Soon, you felt sleepy yourself. The adrenaline was wearing off and a nice nap seemed to be calling your name...

It's short but that's because imma do the Chara, as in what would've happen if ya did them, then a long one for Frisk, as in the Ruins.

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now