RESET 1 - Chara's Game

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This starts off taking place after Chara's puzzle but before you reach Snowdin.

No one POV

Chara couldn't help but feel ticked off at the Nice Cream Guy for shamelessly flirting but checking out Y/N after she bought herself a Nice Cream. Y/N was oblivious but Chara caught on pretty fast. That rabbit wanted to be with Y/N, or even worse, do sinful things to her, so Chara decided that as her knight, he had to act. He soon found himself in front of the Nice Cream cart where the rabbit was closing up, probably was about to move to Water Falls. It didn't take long for him to notice Chara.

"Oh... hello Chara! What can I help you with? Chocolate Nice Cream?" The bunny asked as he started reaching in for some chocolate Nice Cream. Chara was somewhat of a regular customer for he loved their chocolates, but alas, Chara had to fight the urge to accept the delicious nice cream the rabbit was trying to sell him.

"No not today... I wanted to ask for a favor, actually," Chara stated.

"Oh? What is it?" The Nice Cream Bunny asked.

"You D E A D!!" Chara then quickly pulled out his knife and slashed the Nice Cream Guy. It hit and the poor rabbit nearly dusted right then, but Chara has held back so he didn't. While the rabbit screamed and wailed in agony, Chara looked down at him grinning with glee. He was suffering... he deserved this. 

Chara then grabbed Nice Cream before pulling out some duct tape and taping not only his arms and legs closed, but had put some over his mouth.

"As fun as it would be to hear you scream again, I rather not risk it," Chara evilly grinned before grabbing the rabbit and teleporting (I SEE ONE VIDEO OF THE OFFICIAL GAME THAT SHOWED THEM TELEPORTING AND IM BASING IT OFF OF THIS why did I use caps... continue) to his room. It was a bit of a mess but thankfully, Chara had prepared himself earlier. While he landed on his bed, the rabbit was teleported onto a giant red sheet.

Chara smiled, amused as he watched his poor victim squirm around. Around two minutes later, Chara decided that he had enough. Chara got up and stomped on the rabbits ear, which made poor blue bunny give out a muffled whimper. Without realizing it, Chara have the rabbit his creepy smile, his eyes glowing red and all, before shoving the knife down into the rabbit. Chara remembered that he didn't have a lot of HP left as his blood sprayed everywhere. Most of it got onto the sheet but some of it managed to get on Chara's white shirt. The rabbit actually dusted right then and there, leaving Chara with a sickened mind and an urge to kill.

He decided to leave and go help himself to some chocolate Nice Cream to make himself look a bit less suspicious.

And that's when he ran into Y/N and Asriel on their tour.

Now knowing that they were about to go on a date three Chara into a heap of rage, but it was worsen when he realized the date was taking place in Asriel's room. Now he had no idea what you two were doing in there, but Chara tried to calm himself down. It was Asriel! Nothing too bad could happen...

Chara was wrong.

After the date and after Chara had disposed of the mess, including his shirt but he replaced it, Chara went into Asriel's room only to find Asriel curled up into a ball on the floor crying. Chara felt puzzled by this.

"Asriel...?" He asked, presenting his presence.


"Tell me whats wrong," Chara instructed.

Asriel, now sniffing, sat up. "Well... the date started well! We have each other compliments and I changed into my war outfit as you can probably see and I gave them a gift but... at the end I told them that we couldn't be together anymore but maybe if we were on the surface... well, that'd be different. I don't know why but mentioning the surface made them sad and they stormed out crying."

"Well... maybe you should calm yourself first," Chara started rubbing Asriel's back. While Asriel presses himself against Chara for a hug, Chara was slowly raising his knife up behind Asriel. Right before the knife hit however, Chara stopped himself. He couldn't kill his brother...

Not yet, at least.

Chara  his his knife right as Asriel pulled away. He looked a lot better now for he was smiling. Chara grinned back at Asriel before getting up and leaving. Once he was outside, the chocolate lover slumped down into the snow in front of their house.

He had killed someone...

He was about to kill his own brother...

And he had enjoyed the feeling.....

Chara started giggling to himself. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... all he could think about was Y/N now. He killed the rabbit to protect Y/N! And he was about to kill Asriel for making you sad! Chara's giggling turned into roars of laughter, which caused some of Snowdin's citizens to think strangely of the human but ignored it.

"Oh Y/N, my pretty angel~" Chara purred your name to himself before getting up and started walking. He wanted to find you before any other danger did. He also wanted to... try something, per say. Chara's only thoughts as he walked were about Y/N. Truly, Chara could be considered insane now.

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now