Glitched RESET : Entry 1

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You were falling down a giant void for some reason... You forgot how you got there or why you were falling. All you knew was that you were, in fact, falling.

"Woaah there princess!" You heard a familiar voice cry out. Suddenly you felt something wrap around your waist and pull you to the right. Soon you were in someone's arms. You looked up.


"You okay? You seemed spooked," Chara asked.

"I'm fine..." You mumbled. "Where are we?"

"Honestly? I have no idea....." Chara grumbled as he sat down, still holding you. You looked down to see that Chara was sitting on some glowing tile of some sorts. There seemed to be a bunch of these floating around in the void. You looked back at Chara to notice him eating a chocolate bar. When did he grab that?

"aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" You heard someone yell as they seemed to come closer. Chara rolled his eyes before shooting his hand forward, a vine folowing his movement. Soon there was a loud SNAP noise and Chara pulled his hand back in. The vine followed and you could see that it was holding someone... white.


The vine didn't let go of him until it smashed him into the tile. Then, the vine disappeared, leaving a groaning Asriel to slowly get up.

"Hey Rei," Chara greeted.

"Ho- I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" Asriel yelled. "Anyways I'm glad to see you two are still alive and... well. So where are we?"

"I don't even remember how I was falling myself," You commented as Chara just shrugged.

"Well, wherever we are, at least we're safe... to an extend," Asriel responded as he sat down himself. Something seemed a bit off about Asriel. He kept fidgeting and glancing at Chara for a second with a look of... fear? Was Asriel scared of Chara? Eventually, Asriel got up and moved to the other side of the tile, leaving you in the arms of Chara, who kept nuzzling you as he ate his chocolate bar.

Chara soon grabbed you by the chin and made you look up at him. "Hey~"

"Hi Chara," You noticed that he was smiling... and why were his eyes dilated down to, like, two times less than normal? He reminded you of a psychopath, but it was still Chara. 

He leaned down and kissed you on the tip of your nose, making you blush slightly. You remembered the first time you guys kissed and felt your blush grow. Then, you realized something. You were loathing Chara during the kiss, yet you kissed back. Why did it feel like you were forgetting a lot of important things? Why did your head pound with dizziness every time you try to bring back up memories of someone?

"Can I go talk to Asriel?" You asked Chara. "I just want to see if he's okay."

"Alright..." Chara let go of you. You got up and trotted over to Asriel, who was sitting at the edge of the tile.

"Hey Asriel," You greeted.

"Howdy Y/N..." Asriel mumbled. "Why aren't you spending time with your boyfriend?"

"I have a boyfriend?" You questioned.

"The way you and Chara are acting, I thought you two were dating," Asriel commented as he straightened himself. "You guys aren't dating?"

"No... that was only one date and I'm still a bit... confused about it," You confessed.

Asriel frowned a bit. "That's good. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Chara. They've done some horrible things and I'm just remembering them now..." Asriel answered. "They... they were the genocidal human, not the other human."

"What..? But Chara-"

"Chara killed Mom and King Sans," Asriel claimed. "I watched him kill them off. And it wasn't just those two. They killed off a bunch of monsters too. Everyone in the Ruins must've been him too."

"So your saying... that the human's soul we had earlier...?"

"Innocent," Asriel stated. You felt a wave of guilt and sadness wash over you as you steadied yourself.

??? POV (OwO)

The tile they were on kept slowly and gracefully falling, like a feather. Asriel knew the truth about Chara. Y/N knew the truth now. Chara seemed to know that they know now. I wonder how this little game is going to play out~


"Not now!" I snapped.

"I just want to know... was it really necessary to make Chara do this?" He asked.

I whipped my head around and faced what was left of Frisk. "It was. You aren't strong enough to do anything. If you want your way back into the timeline, then we need Chara. He's the now determined being, not you or me."

"But... what about when you slashed him?" Frisk questioned.

"Oh that! It was to scare him! People tend to be more cooperative if they're scared," I purred. "Gaster, what do you think?"

"I think..... this is..... meaning..... less....." Gaster gurgled.

"So we are on the right track!" I exclaimed as I couldn't help but pull one of my all-too famously poses and grin. This story is coming to an end Chara, and you can't do anything to stop it.

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now