RESET 1 - Cute and Cool

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Chara POV

I thought this burning feeling would go away in time. It didn't. This feeling... felt familiar... I should know it! I feel like I should know it!

Oh wait a minute.... I recognize this....

It's H A T R E D

Hate for the Nice Cream Guy. He did nothing wrong except flirt with Y/N. And Y/N was falling for it! I should be the only one who flirted with her! She should be falling for me! She's my pretty angel, my princess!

I gave a glare at the Nice Cream Guy, who looked like he pissed himself ten times as he quivered under it, before teleporting to where my puzzle was. Asriel was already there, waiting impatiently.

"Oh, there you are Chara!" Asriel chirped.

"Hey Azzy!" I waved at him. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure! What is it?" 

"What's your opinion on Y/N?" I asked.

"Y/N? Well, she's nice and beautiful! She seems to like puzzles and roleplaying with us and she actually seems to be a good impression on you! It's a shame we have to tell Mom so she can tell the king... I'd like to know her more!" Asriel smiled. Was that a blush on his cheeks?

"Your... blushing," I concluded.

That made him blush even more. "HUH?! NO IM NOT!!"


"IM NOT CUTE IM COOL!!" Asriel continued yelling. Then Y/N made her big appearance.

"Hey there princess," I waved.

"Hi Chara," Y/N waved back before giving me a beautiful smile. "Thanks for the cookie! I loved it!"

"Anytime!" I winked. She actually liked the cookie! In all honesty, it was just melted chocolate then solidified, after adding a bit of sugar, to circles. But she liked it! 

"Well, if you two are done with that, then Chara must give his puzzle to you!" Asriel announced.

"This infamous puzzle of his," Y/N chuckled. "So where is it?"

"On the ground," I pointed to a crossword puzzle I placed earlier. Both Asriel and Y/N stared at it blankly. Then, right as Y/N snorted, Asriel started groaning.

"Oh my goodness Chara I can't believe you right now," Asriel said as he kept groaning.

"Whaaat? Today's crossword should be puzzling for the human," I winked as I fingergunned. Y/N snorted louder.

"I can't deal with your puns right now Chara. FINE THEN A BATTLE OF THE WITS!" Asriel then ran across the field and made a heroic pose. "HUMAN! ONLY CROSS FORWARD IF YOU DARE!" I raised an eyebrow. What the Fresh heck was Asriel trying to do?

Y/N wasted no time to go up to Asriel. "Done."

"W-WHA?!" Asriel seemed shocked.

"What were you expecting to happen Azzy?" I asked.


"Awww your too cute to do that," I teased.

Asriel fell for it again. "IM NOT CUTE IM COOL!!!"

"Cuuuuuteeeee~" I kept my teasing.

"IM COOL!!!! Wait... HUMAN!! AM I CUTE OR COOL?" Asriel then questioned Y/N.

"You are cool!" Y/N wasted no time answering with an adorable smile.

"HAHA! I KNEW IT!" Asriel laughed amused. "IM THE COOL ONE! And Chara's the cute one!"

Wait..... what?

"Yeah!" Y/N agreed.


"Anyways there's only one more puzzle human before you face me! I'll see you up ahead.. IF YOU DARE!!" Asriel giggled before running ahead again. Y/N then turned her attention towards me. Darn it... my face was still blood red, I felt it! I wasn't ready..!

"You ok Chara?" She asked me.

"Oh.... y-yeah I'm fine!" I nervously giggled. "And thanks for amusing my brother! We both know he's the cute one though!"

"Pffft! Yeaaaah," Y/N smirked at me. STOP MAKING ME WANT TO KISS YOU PRETTY ANGEL!! "Anyways I'll see you up ahead!" And with that, Y/N skipped ahead. If any of us were the cute one, I think it'd be her...

Anyways I planned on seeing her ahead, like I said. I just had a bit of unfinished B U S I N E S S to attend to first! And to think that we only met a half hour ago... Y/N you do not know the way you drive me crazy! Crazy in love, unlike that freakish genocidal MIRROR of mine! I couldn't help but laugh to myself. With Y/N here, I'll never have to see them again, RIGHT? If that's the case, all I have to do is protect Y/N! And what better way to do that then have Y/N all to myself?

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now