RESET 3 - Monster behind the door

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Chara POV

It was the third day since Frisk and Y/N were suppose to fall, but they haven't left the Ruins or even RESET or LOAD once. Even if I was on the other side of the door, I could sense that one of them, Frisk most likely, was gaining LV. This was a Genocide route. I'd have to keep a close eye on Frisk and Y/N, her especially. I had to protect her from the evil megalomaniac.

Lately the skeleton on the other side of the door has been extremely chatty about the fact that Y/N and Frisk had stayed with him, and not even attempted to leave. Today, he surprised me. He came to talk to me to the door but he wasn't alone.

"Hello...?" It was Y/N's lovely voice that rang out after I knocked twice. I was expecting the skeleton to respond to my usual knock-knock jokes, not my pretty angel.

"Uh... Human?" I responded. I knew it was Y/N, but she didn't know it was me. This was a second chance, I realized. If I played my cards right, she may actually... like me again.

"My name is Y/N L/N! You are...?" She called out.

"..... Chara. I'm Chara," I answered. "Nice to meet ya pretty angel~"

"Heeeey.... you don't know if I'm pretty!" Y/N called out in defense.

Ohh but I do~

"I just have a feeling that you are," I leaned against the door. "So where's Papyrus?"

"I'm here as well. I decided to bring one of the fallen humans to talk to you. You are the only human on that side of the door, it must be lonely," Papyrus claimed.

"Ah..." I nodded, even though they couldn't see me. "Say, human, knock knock."

"Whose there?"


"Boo.. who?"

"No need to cry pretty angel, it's just a joke~" I giggled. I heard Papyrus laugh and I could faintly hear Y/N giggle. It's been some time since I heard that, and it was music to my ears. Me and Papyrus did our normal routine, sending each other jokes one after another, with Y/N laughing at almost each and every one of them.

Papyrus interrupted our joking. "I actually wanted you two to meet for a reason..."

"What's up?" I asked.

"I... know whose killing off the monsters on this side of the door. It's Frisk, the other human," Papyrus claimed. I whistled. He caught on quickly.

"It can't be Frisk! He's too nice to hurt anybody!" Y/N yelled.

"I-I know but... Frisk seems to be changed for he literally killed some monsters in front of me," Papyrus stated. "Anyways, Y/N, I brought you here because I want you to go with Chara. I trust them and you'll be much safer. After I send in the other monsters, I'll destroy the entrance way and fight Frisk."


"There's no time for argue. Y/N, please be good," Papyrus said. Soon the door was opened and out came Y/N. They weren't wearing what they wore the last two timelines, with the sweater and such. This time they wore a red sweater, black jeans, and brown boots (NO CHOICE-). Their hair grown a tiny bit but other than that they looked the same. They glanced at me nervously before looking back at the door. I saw a glimpse of Papyrus. He was a tall skeleton wearing royal robes.

"Don't worry Mr. Papyrus," I started as I grabbed Y/N's hand. "I'll take good care of her."

"That takes a weight off my chest..." Papyrus nodded before the door closed itself. I glanced at Y/N. She seemed to be ready to burst out in tears but was holding it in. She glanced back at me.

"Hey pretty angel~" I winked at her.

She scoffed. "Hi."

"Hey, it'll be ok. Me and Azzy will take good care of ya," I stated as I started to gently pull Y/N away. Her LV was still 1, meaning it was Frisk who was killing. And the further I got my princess away from a man like that, the more safer I'd feel about letting her out of my sight, a thing I wasn't planning to do. I finally had Y/N back into my clutches! She didn't remember any of the timelines, which means she didn't remember the kiss...

But I could do a bit of altering, I realized. I had my old SAVE files, I had DETERMINATION, and I was the JUDGE of this world for a reason. It'll have to wait until she's asleep though for me to attempt...

Oh beautiful Y/N, do not worry~ we won't be apart for long

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