RESET 1 - The End Game

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(I can't battle scene yet I'm sorry I'm advance)


It only took me a second to realize that Asriel had died. It didn't take much really, since if I had looked behind me, Chara was there running after me, giggling like an insane person. They were insane anyways, dusting his own brother too. 

"Y/N~~" Chara purred. "Where are you going dear?~"

"FAR AWAY FROM YOU YA PSYCHOTIC SICKO!!" I shrieked. Then, we both encountered a fight.


"My child, what is wrong with you? Why did you slaughter all of Snowdin?!" Toriel snapped at Chara while I ran to Toriel. Chara paused as I hid behind the fluffy goat guard.

"Why.....?" Chara questioned. "They are nothing but distractions and obstacles in my way to what is rightfully mine!"

"I WILL NEVER BE YOURS!" I screamed as I hid further behind Toriel.

"My child, I want you to run. Do not look back. I will buy you some time," Toriel handed me some sort of weapon and clothing item before putting her full attention on Chara.

Chara's head tilted slightly. "Your really going to fight me Mom?"

"I will if it means protecting the entire underground. I should've never spared you from the king that day!" Toriel hollered as she pulled out her fire staff. I took that as my que to start running then while Chara seemed distracted by the fluffy captain. As I ran, I heard Chara yell as he seemed to attack.

I didn't look back.

I kept running until my feet had blisters and my legs were sore. I kept running even then. It was getting hot as I ran, sweat dripping off my face, but I kept running. I eventually made it into an area full of red rocks and lava. I then saw a third goat with a lab coat (THATS RHYMES) on.

"You are Y/N, yes?" He asked, seeming a bit out of breath.

"Yes," I panted.

"I know you are tired but you cannot stop running now. Chara can teleport and he'll most likely check me first. I shall have Undyne escort you further on," the goat picked me up and started carrying me. "Oh, I'm Asgore by the way. Husband to Toriel and father to Asriel and Chara."

"Your son is a demon," I huffed. Asgore only hummed in what seemed like sadness. Soon we were inside a lab of some sort. There was a robotic fish lady standing there.

"Chara or Y/N?" She asked.

"Y/N. Chara wears a hoodie," Asgore simply stated as he handed me over to the lady, who picked me up and swung me over their shoulder with ease. "Do be careful Undyne."

"I will Sensei. You make it out in one piece," Fish lady, or Undyne, replied before starting to run with enormous speed the other way. I questioned how they didn't tire.

The trip was long with nearly every citizen screaming as they ran with us, though Undyne seemed to be a lot more faster then them. It took us about fifteen minutes, I guess, to get to what Undyne called "the Throne Room". Inside was a skeleton wearing a cloak and-

"CHARA!!" Undyne roared as Chara swung their knife, ending the poor king's life. Chara turned with this crazy psychotic grin on their face as the king dusted behind them.

"So you had Y/N?~" Chara hummed.

"You will NEVER prevail!" Undyne yelled as she put me down behind her and turned into a... well, crazy spear fish lady. I felt the wind whisper something in my ear.

Undyne the Undying NEO

Chara only grinned even more as he twitched a bit, staring more at me then Undyne. I then remembered that I too had a weapon. 

* You equipped the Ballet Shoes and the Worn Tutu


Oh well... it was SOME kinda weapon. The tutu seemed to make me feel stronger though. I took a fighting stance with Undyne.




We lost.

Undyne turned into scrap metallic dust while I fell on the ground bleeding but determined. I wasn't giving up just yet, not while I was this close to being free.

I tried attacking Chara once again, but they grabbed my leg and-


I screamed as I fell, my now broken leg falling at a weird angle. The pain was overwhelming and quite unpleasant.

"Oops... I didn't mean to do that princess. I just got so mad that you keep trying to fight my love for you!~" Chara purred as he bend down and nuzzled me. I kept screaming as I felt myself cry hot and salty tears. Chara hugged me, being careful to not touch my leg.

"I love you princess..."

"I hate you Chara..." I grunted as I tried pulling myself together, feeling extremely weak. Chara seemed to sag a bit, defeated.

"You..... hate me......?" Chara's voice seemed dull. 

"With my entire soul!" I spat at him. The last thing I saw was a bunch of red knives piercing through me from behind. The last thing I felt was pain...

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now