RESET 1 - Sudden Danger

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I finally updated this.. also happy LATE Halloween


After my attempt at escaping, Chara sorta refused to leave my side. He eventually fell asleep on me, pinning me to the sofa. For a young-looking male, he weighted a TON! Humans never weighted this much before! Either that or I'm weak...

"Howdy Y/N!" 

"Asriel!" I softly cheered. "Asriel can you help?"

"Sure. Chara shouldn't even be on you anyways if your sick," Asriel stayed as he picked up Chara with ease. 

"Sick?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Chara sent us a text saying that you had felt light-headed earlier and that you were running a fever of some sorts. So Chara said you were staying at our house," Asriel explained. "You... are sick, yes?"

"No! He knocked me out at Waterfalls and chained me to his room!" I softly yelled. I didn't trust my eyes to think that Chara was deep in sleep. I was afraid of him waking up at any moment.

"Kidnapped..... oh, this makes a bit more sense now........" Asriel muttered. "Ok, I'll go put Chara down. I want you to start running to Waterfalls again. Do not fret Human, for the Absolute Deity is now on your side! We shall get away from the Black Knight in no time!"

I couldn't help but to giggle. "Ok Asriel. Your the best!"

"Of course I am!" Asriel chirped before carrying Chara upstairs. I started running as instructed. I trusted Asriel. He was a nice and friendly goat monster. I didn't get far before the Snowdin residents started, well, screeching.

Chara POV

I was woken up from my nice, peaceful dream with Y/N by some sudden screaming form what sounded like the Librarian. It was soon joined by nearly everyone in Snowdin. Nobody could ever sleep through that. It was at the same moment I was opening my eyes did I realize that I was not on Y/N but instead in Asriel's arms.

"Where's Y/N?" I tried asking, doing my best to hide my rage and anger from being separated from Y/N.

"Y/N needed to use the bathroom!" Asriel chirped as he placed me down in my bed. I knew Asriel too well. He was lying. 

"Asriel," I smiled a bit angrily. "Where's Y/N?"

Asriel looked uncomfortable now. "In the bathroom."

"Azzy, stop lying. Where. Is. Y/N?" I asked for a third time.

"Bathroom!" Asriel yelled. "And don't even think about trying to get her! Its quite perverted t-"

He never finished his sentence. My anger got the better hold of me.

I removed my now bloody knife from Asriel's stomach and watched as Asriel went limp, bleeding and slowly turning to dust as he did so.

"Do not worry, my little brother," I smiled down at him, watching him silently cry as he dusted. "I will not kill Y/N this time. She will be spared. But if you try lying to me again, I will kill you again." And he dusted, leaving his all-too familiar rainbow scarf behind. I usually cherished it like there was no tomorrow when my brother dusted.

This time, I enjoyed watching it burn.

Watching the scarf burn reminded me of a conversation I once had. It was with my mother about LOVE, or Level of Violence. She had claimed that humans found it addicting once they get a certain amount, and that the addiction was a horrible thing.

How horribly wrong she was. LOVE felt so good. I felt Snowdin's EXP float around me, making me stronger, making me that much closer to getting my one angel back.

This time, I'll make you stay Y/N. And you'll be mine~

(If you don't understand, Chara just basically mass-murdered all of Snowdin)

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now